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  • In this Editorial we reflect on post-publication discussions and corrections, and look at some recent examples from Nature Catalysis.

  • The catalysis of CO2 conversion is a research topic ripe with potential to contribute towards a net-zero future. This Focus issue features a collection of content dedicated to progressing the fundamental science and practical implementation of this technology to advance climate goals.

  • The old catalysis literature still has much to offer to the research community. This issue presents a selection of retro News & Views articles that highlight some key historical developments in the subareas of catalysis.

  • Research projects are often developed by multiple groups worldwide, either in collaboration or in a form of genuine competition. In this Editorial, we discuss our approach to dealing with situations where multiple related manuscripts are submitted or published, in our journal or elsewhere, within a short period of time.

  • On the threshold of the New Year we think back to the past 12 months and provide a few highlights.
