Judging panel

Judging panel for 2024

Karen P. Scott

Panel Chair

Rowett Institute, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom.

Ami Bhatt

Associate professor of medicine (hematology) and of genetics at Stanford University, United States of America.

Sarah Lebeer

Research professor at the Department of Bioscience Engineering of the University of Antwerp, Belgium.

Kiyoshi Takeda

Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University, Japan.

Liping Zhao

Chair of Applied Microbiology at Rutgers University, United States of America and Distinguished Professor of Microbiology at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.

Assessment process & criteria

Proposals will first be screened on the basis of the originality and scientific quality of the project. A shortlist of proposals will then be assessed by an independent, expert panel on the basis of all four of the criteria. The panel will be made up of internationally renowned researchers in human microbiota from across the world. Panel members will review proposals individually ahead of a meeting of the full panel to discuss the merits of shortlisted proposals in detail. The panel will then decide which proposals to fund. Nature Portfolio and Yakult employees will have no influence over funding decisions.

Proposals will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • Quality and originality of the science
  • Potential scientific and social impact
  • Quality of the applicant/team and value for money
  • Focus on mechanisms of action