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  • New research demonstrates AI, in the form of natural language models, can identify social norm violations in text and correctly distinguish the specific violated norm. This shows AI’s potential to recognize tricky social faux pas and support cross-cultural interactions.

    • Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos
    • Julian Tejada
    Research HighlightOpen Access
  • Untrustworthy conversation partners, people randomly assigned to lie in a conversation, and people who deceive more in their everyday lives report decreased social connection relative to honest actors.

    • Samantha Sprigings
    • Cameo J. V. Brown
    • Leanne ten Brinke
    ArticleOpen Access
  • When bilinguals perform a memory task in their second rather than their first language they are less likely to confuse lures for real memories or to agree with false information shared by another eye-witness, reports a study in Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.

    • Marike Schiffer
    Research HighlightOpen Access
  • A new study in Nature shows psychedelics’ ability to reopen a critical period of development in mice. This shared property across psychedelic drugs was proportional to the duration of acute subjective effects of the drugs in humans.

    • Antonia Eisenkoeck
    Research HighlightOpen Access
  • Editorial work should not be a blackbox that leaves authors guessing for reasons. Here, we discuss what Communications Psychology’s evaluation criteria for research Articles are so authors can understand the decision-making surrounding when and why we send papers out for peer review.

    EditorialOpen Access
  • Long-term social isolation can negatively impact health. Recent work in Psychological Science suggests that even a few hours of isolation may have negative consequences by disrupting internal regulatory mechanisms.

    • Alina M. Sartorius
    • Daniel S. Quintana
    Research HighlightOpen Access
  • Are working memory representations that are no longer relevant actively deleted? A new study in Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics suggests that this isn’t the case: irrelevant memoranda linger on, especially when people create an imaginary combination of items they encounter.

    • W. Fred Garvey
    • Claudia C. von Bastian
    Research HighlightOpen Access
  • Research on topics such as child sexual abuse can be emotionally demanding in ways that surpass many other lines of work. There are ways to prepare and protect researchers before and during these projects.

    • Amy Burrell
    • Benjamin Costello
    • Juliane A. Kloess
    CommentOpen Access
  • Does endorsing one conspiratorial belief make you more likely to endorse a second, incompatible, conspiracy? A recent study in Psychological Science suggests that past work identifying this pattern may actually be driven by those who reject both.

    • Jennifer A. Bellingtier
    Research HighlightOpen Access
  • Using a vast dataset of object ratings, a new study in Science Advances sheds light on the question what makes objects memorable. The answer to what role typicality plays turns out to be complex.

    • Marike Schiffer
    Research HighlightOpen Access
  • The aim of Communications Psychology is to promote open research across all areas of psychology. We are looking forward to working with researchers to publish high-quality research; to offer the community an accessible platform for review and debate; and to shape our practices to serve a field embracing open science.

    EditorialOpen Access
  • The Person Perception from Voices model (PPV) provides a unified account of person perception beyond identity recognition, incorporating perception of other person characteristics or personae.

    • Nadine Lavan
    • Carolyn McGettigan
    PerspectiveOpen Access