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  • Despite the numerous analogies between (non)Brownian suspensions and pedestrian crowds, rheological studies on the dynamics of the latter are scarce. Adopting such rheological perspective, the authors show that contact forces alone cannot lead to the faster-is-slower effect, but that social force interactions need to be included.

    • Dariel Hernández-Delfin
    • Ander García
    • Marco Ellero
    ArticleOpen Access
  • This work studies the effects of non-gaussian phonon lineshapes from stochastic self-consistent harmonic approximation on the superconducting critical temperature (Tc) of hydrogen at high pressure. It predicts superconductivity in the Cmca-12 phase between 450 and 500 GPa and an increase in Tc for both the Cmca-12 and the I41/amd-2 structures compared to harmonic calculations.

    • Ðorđe Dangić
    • Lorenzo Monacelli
    • Ion Errea
    ArticleOpen Access
  • SrTiO3-based oxide interfaces, which exhibit coexistence of gate-tunable two-dimensional superconductivity and Rashba spin-orbit coupling, are candidates to host topological superconductive phases. By controlling the chemical ratio in LaAlO3, the authors demonstrate tuning of carrier densities, mobilities and the formation of superconductivity, showing that, approaching to clean limit, significant enhancement below the Lifshitz transition is observed, at odds with previous experimental investigations.

    • Gyanendra Singh
    • Roger Guzman
    • Alexei Kalaboukhov
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Topological solitons are localized structures whose stability emerges from the topology of their spatial structure, hence they are usually independent of the temporal dimension. The authors construct topological magnetic solitons in space-time from periodically driven magnetic structures that can be externally controlled.

    • Ross Knapman
    • Timon Tausendpfund
    • Karin Everschor-Sitte
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Spatial Kramers–Kronig (KK) media are inhomogeneous materials enabling omnidirectional light absorption, but the successful experimental realizations are polarization-dependent, i.e., they absorb either transverse electric or transverse magnetic fields. Using a matryoshka metamaterial, the authors report the experimental realization of a polarization-independent omnidirectional absorber.

    • Quanping Li
    • Yu Luo
    • Dexin Ye
    ArticleOpen Access
  • The theoretical description of ultra-cold Fermi gases is challenging due to the presence of strong, short-ranged interactions. This work introduces a Pfaffian-Jastrow neural-network quantum state that outperforms existing Slater-Jastrow frameworks and diffusion Monte Carlo methods.

    • Jane Kim
    • Gabriel Pescia
    • Alessandro Lovato
    ArticleOpen Access
  • The strongly correlated interactions found in twisted bilayer systems give rise to a range of exotic phenomena but due to range of factors it is challenging to develop theoretical models that can faithfully describe the underlying physics. Here, the authors provide an analysis of the chiral limits of perturbed Dirac field theories that are relevant to C3-symmetric twisted bilayer graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides homobilayers. They identify two possible scenarios and show that flat bands are a more likely phenomenon in the latter system

    • Valentin Crépel
    • Nicolas Regnault
    • Raquel Queiroz
    ArticleOpen Access
  • The frameworks to simulate pathogen, malware and failure spreading are computationally demanding, and they are subject to large statistical uncertainty. The authors develop efficient inference and control algorithms based on dynamic message passing to study a two-layer spreading process, where the spreading infection triggers cascading failures and leads to secondary disasters.

    • Bo Li
    • David Saad
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Quantum simulators study important models of condensed matter and high-energy physics. Research on synthetic dimensions has paved the way for studying exotic phenomena, such as curved space-times, topological phases of matter, lattice gauge theories, twistronics without a twist, and more

    • Javier Argüello-Luengo
    • Utso Bhattacharya
    • Maciej Lewenstein
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • Quantum Speed Limit (QSL) is a lower bound on the time evolution for quantum systems. Still, experimental studies for open systems are few due to the lack of control over their environment’s interaction. The authors control the qubitreservoir interaction in an ensemble of chloroform molecules, observing crossovers between different QSLs.

    • Diego Paiva Pires
    • Eduardo R. deAzevedo
    • Jefferson G. Filgueiras
    ArticleOpen Access
  • From the cardiac system of various human patients, to changes in sea surface temperature across different oceans, dynamical systems often exhibit many common characteristics. Here we develop a framework for jointly learning the dynamics of multiple interrelated systems while leveraging their shared traits.

    • Yonatan Elul
    • Eyal Rozenberg
    • Alex M. Bronstein
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Reconstructing unstable heavy particles is a crucial aspect of many analyses at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We introduce SPA-Net, a machine-learning approach to this problem which outperforms existing baseline methods, performs several auxiliary tasks, and leads to significant improvements in three example flagship LHC analyses

    • Michael James Fenton
    • Alexander Shmakov
    • Pierre Baldi
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Non-Hermitian (NH) systems have recently attracted great attention, and the NH bulk-boundary correspondence is a key question. The authors propose an approach to restore NH bulk-boundary correspondence by a “doubling and swapping" construction which eliminates the NH skin effect, resulting in a new NH Hamiltonian with the same energy spectrum.

    • Yi-Xin Xiao
    • Zhao-Qing Zhang
    • C. T. Chan
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Energetic neutrino beams from symmetric muon and anti-muon decays are used to study long-baseline neutrino oscillation, and constrain the Charge-Parity (CP) violation phase in the three-flavour neutrino mixing. Here, the authors provide results based on neutrino oscillation simulations to show that more than five standard deviation sensitivity on CP violation can be obtained from 5-10 years of data taken with the help of DUNE-like detectors.

    • Alim Ruzi
    • Tianyi Yang
    • Qiang Li
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Interacting electrons can collectively act as a viscous flow resembling a classical fluid, a phenomenon termed electron hydrodynamics. Here, the authors develop a framework to describe electron flow in narrow channels, demonstrating that the requirements for achieving electron hydrodynamic transport can be extended beyond what is currently considered possible.

    • Jorge Estrada-Álvarez
    • Francisco Domínguez-Adame
    • Elena Díaz
    ArticleOpen Access
  • By studying inertial spinners on an air table with different ratios between counterclockwise and clockwise species, the authors found that underdamped chiral spinners display phenomena usually unseen in overdamped chiral spinners. These include higher energy pumped into the minority species and oscillatory entropy when one species dominates the other.

    • Shengkai Li
    • Trung V. Phan
    • Liyu Liu
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Simulating turbulent fluids is a major computational challenge, the main obstacle being the large size of discretized meshes required to accurately describe turbulent flows. The authors develop a quantum-inspired framework, based on matrix product states, to solve for flows around immersed bodies with complexity scaling logarithmically in the mesh size.

    • Raghavendra Dheeraj Peddinti
    • Stefano Pisoni
    • Leandro Aolita
    ArticleOpen Access
  • In quantum physics, superposition—illustrated by Schrödinger’s cat being both dead and alive—inspires ‘cat states’, utilized in quantum technologies. The authors propose a theory where the optical state, through multiple indirect atom interactions in an interferometric setup, can generate large-amplitude optical cat states, advancing quantum applications.

    • Zheng-Hong Li
    • Fei Yu
    • M. Suhail Zubairy
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Precision measurements with atom interferometers benefit from reducing the expansion rate of the atomic ensemble within the interferometric beam through matter-wave collimation. Here we demonstrate a collimation method based on time-averaged optical potentials and tunable interactions, realizing expansion energies of a few hundred picokelvin.

    • Alexander Herbst
    • Timothé Estrampes
    • Dennis Schlippert
    ArticleOpen Access