
Female Sexual Dysfunction

Sexuality used to be a taboo in many cultures and people who suffer from sexual problems were embarrassed to report their sexual complaints to their physicians, most of whom were also embarrassed to discuss these issues with their patients. The launch of sildenafil (Viagra) in 1998 revolutionized our understanding on male sexual problems and men became more open to talk about their sexuality. On the other hand, female sexual disorders remain to be elusive and there are limited data on this topic due to the complex nature of female sexuality. 

Today, male sexual disorders are considered more socially acceptable to discuss with a doctor whereas there are still many unknowns about the definition, classification, epidemiology, pathophysiology and treatment of female sexual dysfunctions. Therefore, our editorial board decided to create a web collection of articles published in 2016 and 2017 in IJIR: Your Sexual Medicine Journal that focus on female sexual disorders, in a bid to raise awareness about these problems in the scientific community. We look forward to receiving more submissions on female sexual disorders in the future and consider the need of addressing these problems in the scientific arena as extremely important.

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