

"Despite the availability of multiple pharmacotherapies and the known preventative capacities of life-style modification, hypertension remains a highly prevalent disorder worldwide. Indeed, high blood pressure (BP) is estimated to result in approximately half of the global burden of cardiovascular disease. This group of Reviews highlights the current thinking on best methods of BP measurement, appropriate BP targets in patients with hypertension, challenges in patient compliance to prescribed therapies, the very latest advances in antihypertensive treatments—including fixed-dose combinations and device therapy—and the management of elderly patients with this hypertension.

Because of the global impact of this disorder, and because of its modifiable nature, Nature Reviews Cardiology and the World Heart Federation are holding a joint session on 'Hypertension in 2012' at the World Heart Federation's 2012 World Congress of Cardiology in Dubai, UAE. The session will cover community-wide strategies for prevention of hypertension, BP measurement and targets, the latest advances in antihypertensive therapies, and management of hypertension in the elderly. Review articles that accompany two talks in this session (written by the commissioned speakers) are included in this May 2012 focus issue of Nature Reviews Cardiology.
