News Feature in 2018

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  • Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS) broke records for the highest licensing fee with its potential $3.8 billion deal with Nektar Therapeutics last Wednesday.

    • Raveena Bhambra
    News Feature
  • The past week has seen a couple of 1-billion-dollar deals. First, Janssen signed a potential $1 billion deal with Theravance.

    • Raveena Bhambra
    News Feature
  • As we take our first steps into February, dealmaking activity has quietened down from the boom in recent weeks, but there was still another major M&A announced.

    • Raveena Bhambra
    News Feature
  • Dealmaking has already started in earnest in 2018, with at least 20 deals signed in only the first two weeks. Many of these coincided with the annual JP Morgan conference that has just come to a close, and many of them involve big pharma.

    • Raveena Bhambra
    News Feature
  • Competition for promising investigational drugs remains fierce, with many assets snapped up before they have even started clinical trials. With the annual JP Morgan conference— typically an event where major deals are announced — now in progress, here we highlight some of the most valuable assets that are currently unpartnered, using data provided by EvaluatePharma.

    • Raveena Bhambra
    News Feature