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Kinetically controlled Z-alkene synthesis using iron-catalysed allene dialkylation


Stereodefined trisubstituted alkenes are key constituents of biologically active molecules and also serve as indispensable substrates for a wide range of stereospecific reactions affording sp3-hybridized skeletons. However, there is a persisting lack of methods that generate the thermodynamically less stable Z-isomers. Here we report an iron-catalysed multicomponent strategy that merges allenes, dialkylzinc compounds and haloalkanes to construct trisubstituted alkenes with excellent control of regioselectivity and Z-selectivity. Selective installation of diverse C(sp3) groups enables access to a broad library of functionalized unsaturated products. The synthetic utility of the method is highlighted through the synthesis of a glucosylceramide synthase inhibitor. Contrary to conventional mechanisms for metal-catalysed allene functionalization, our studies suggest a kinetically controlled pathway involving sequential radical-mediated alkylferration of the less hindered C=C bond and inner-sphere alkylation via reductive elimination. Mechanistic and computational investigations reveal the origins of the stereochemical outcome.

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Fig. 1: Challenges and strategies for the synthesis of trisubstituted Z-alkenes.
Fig. 2: The scope of allenes in iron-catalysed 1,2-dialkylation.
Fig. 3: The scope of electrophiles and nucleophiles in iron-catalysed 1,2-dialkylation and its synthetic utility.
Fig. 4: Mechanistic and computational studies.

Data availability

All data supporting the findings of this study are available within the article and its Supplementary Information. The DFT-optimized structures are available via Zenodo at (ref. 42).


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This research was supported by the Ministry of Education of Singapore Academic Research Fund Tier 2 (A-8000034-00-00, M.J.K.) and the Foundation of Wenzhou Science & Technology Bureau (ZY2020027, T.-D.T. and P.-C.Q.).

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M.J.K. and T.-D.T. conceived the project. T.-D.T., K.Z.T., X.L. and P.-C.Q. developed the catalytic method. X.Z. designed and performed the DFT studies. M.J.K. wrote the paper with revisions provided by the other authors.

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Correspondence to Xinglong Zhang or Ming Joo Koh.

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Tan, TD., Tee, K.Z., Luo, X. et al. Kinetically controlled Z-alkene synthesis using iron-catalysed allene dialkylation. Nat. Synth (2024).

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