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  • Primer
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Artificial molecular pumps


Reflecting on recent progress in bottom-up engineering focused on creating the smallest devices capable of controlling nanoscale motion, artificial molecular pumps (AMPs) are among some of the most highly studied wholly synthetic machines. In addition to exploring their applications in synthesizing mechanically bonded compounds, including polymers and materials, the design features and underlying fundamental physical principles of rotaxane-based AMPs are discussed in this Primer. Current limitations in AMP design are reviewed, and potential strategies to overcome these limitations are evaluated. Anticipated future developments in this rapidly evolving area of science are considered. Although still in their infancy, the design and synthesis of AMPs have already led to new insights into fundamental molecular principles, such as kinetic asymmetry, trajectory thermodynamics and the non-equilibrium pumping equality. With the ineluctable continuing development of AMPs, an increasing number of ground-breaking discoveries are anticipated in the physical and life sciences.

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Fig. 1: Physical principles of artificial molecular pumps.
Fig. 2: Unidirectional molecular transport.
Fig. 3: Redox-driven AMP.
Fig. 4: Chemical pulse-driven and catalysis-driven AMPs.
Fig. 5: Utilizing molecular pumps for the syntheses of mechanically interlocked molecules.
Fig. 6: Utilizing molecular pumps for the syntheses of mechanically interlocked polyrotaxanes.
Fig. 7: Active mechanisorption driven by pumping cassettes.

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Financial support from Northwestern University and the Starry Night Science Fund of Zhejiang University Shanghai Institute for Advanced Study (Grant No. SN-ZJU-SIAS-006) is gratefully acknowledged.

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L.Z., H.W. and X.L. contributed equally to this manuscript. All authors contributed to every aspect of the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Hongliang Chen, R. Dean Astumian or J. Fraser Stoddart.

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Supplementary information


Brownian motion

The random motion of particles suspended in a liquid or a gas resulting from their collisions with other particles.


A molecule containing two or more topologically linked macrocyclic component parts.


A synthetic protocol involving the macrocyclization of a ring around a template (for example, a ring or dumbbell) to form a mechanical bond.


The spatial arrangement of the component parts affording distinction between mechanostereoisomers, which can be interconverted by translation, pirouetting or rocking motions constrained by the mechanical bond.

Daisy chain

A rotaxane comprising a number n of covalently bridged ring–axle component parts, the mechanical bonds of which give rise to cyclic ([cn]daisy chains) or acyclic ([an]daisy chains) oligomeric or polymeric architectures.


A component part of a rotaxane consisting of an axle and stoppers.

Energy ratchet

A molecular machine that achieves directed transport-biased Brownian motion by a ratcheting mechanism that involves the raising and lowering of both kinetic barriers and thermodynamic wells.

Information ratchet

A molecular machine that achieves directed transport-biased Brownian motion by a ratcheting mechanism that involves raising and lowering kinetic barriers, depending on the state of the system, such as whether a binding site is occupied.

Kinetic asymmetry

Situation in which the rate constants of reactions leading from an intermediate state to several different product states are very different from each other. This factor is the key one in determining whether a molecular machine can use energy-driven fluctuations or catalysis to perform work on the environment.

Mechanical bond

An entanglement in space between two or more molecular entities (component parts) such that they cannot be separated without breaking or distorting chemical bonds between atoms.

Mechanically interlocked molecules

Molecules containing mechanical or topological entanglements.

Microscopic reversibility

A principle according to which the ratio of probabilities of a trajectory and its microscopic reverse is equal to the exponential of the energy exchanged with the environment.

Molecular motor

A type of molecular machine that converts energy from an external source into unidirectional movement on a molecular scale, including linear molecular motor and rotary molecular motor.

Molecular pump

A molecular machine that can use energy from light, chemical catalysis or external modulation of thermodynamic parameters to drive the formation and maintenance of a chemical potential difference between two or more molecular species.

Non-equilibrium pumping equality

Exact expression for the non-equilibrium steady state concentration ratio between two states that is the product of the equilibrium constant and a directionality, also known as a ratcheting constant.

Non-equilibrium steady state

A state in which a system has been forced away from a thermodynamically stable state but in which the concentration of the different molecular species does not change with time. A non-equilibrium steady state is characterized by a continual steady energy dissipation.


A complex resembling a rotaxane without stoppers, leaving the ring(s) free to dissociate from the axle — its component parts are held together chiefly by noncovalent bonds rather than by mechanical bonds.


A situation in which at least one or more rings exist in equilibrium with a dumbbell because either one or both of its stoppers are absent. When only one of the two stoppers is absent, the pseudo-dumbbell is sometimes referred to as a half-dumbbell.

Pumping cassette

A structure in which a binding (recognition) site is surrounded by switchable barriers (molecular speed bumps).

Ratchet mechanism

A characteristic of the operating mechanism of many biological molecular machines that serves to limit either rotary or linear motion to occur in only one direction. A Brownian ratchet uses input energy to prevent backward motion rather than to cause forward motion.


A molecule comprising at least one macrocyclic ring component, with at least one linear component threaded through the ring(s) and terminated by bulky end-groups (stoppers) large enough to prevent dethreading.


A bulky group in the dumbbell of a rotaxane that prevents the ring from slipping off the dumbbell.

Trajectory thermodynamics

Focuses on forward and microscopic reverse trajectories between the states, as well as on the relations between the probabilities of these trajectories and the energy exchanged with the environment dictated by the principle of microscopic reversibility.

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Zhang, L., Wu, H., Li, X. et al. Artificial molecular pumps. Nat Rev Methods Primers 4, 13 (2024).

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