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Opportunities and limitations of the ultra-processed food framing

The concept of ultra-processed food was introduced more than a decade ago. The utility of this concept hinges partly on whether it is framed as the literal level of food processing, which we term ‘ultra-processing formulation’, or as system dynamics, which we term ‘ultra-processing regime’.

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J.L.N. and N.F. conceptualized the paper and both collaborated on the first draft and subsequent revisions. Both authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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Correspondence to Jennifer Lacy-Nichols.

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Nature Food thanks Mark Lawrence and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Lacy-Nichols, J., Freudenberg, N. Opportunities and limitations of the ultra-processed food framing. Nat Food 3, 975–977 (2022).

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