Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 16 March 2020

This Article contains a typographical error in the Methods section where,

“We performed the hematologic analysis using Mindray BC-6800 (Mindray, Shenzhen, China) automated hematology analyzer that yielded CPD including CBC, leukocyte differentiation and reticulocyte count with information on volume, conductivity and different scatter measures23.”

should read:

“We performed the hematologic analysis using Mindray BC-6800 plus (Mindray, Shenzhen, China) automated hematology analyzer that yielded CPD including CBC, leukocyte differentiation and reticulocyte count with information on volume, conductivity and different scatter measures23.”

Also, the Article contains an error in Table 6 where the row entitled ‘Ramdom Forest (RF)’.

should read:

‘Random Forest (RF)’.