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Tumour vasculature at single-cell resolution


Tumours can obtain nutrients and oxygen required to progress and metastasize through the blood supply1. Inducing angiogenesis involves the sprouting of established vessel beds and their maturation into an organized network2,3. Here we generate a comprehensive atlas of tumour vasculature at single-cell resolution, encompassing approximately 200,000 cells from 372 donors representing 31 cancer types. Trajectory inference suggested that tumour angiogenesis was initiated from venous endothelial cells and extended towards arterial endothelial cells. As neovascularization elongates (through angiogenic stages SI, SII and SIII), APLN+ tip cells at the SI stage (APLN+ TipSI) advanced to TipSIII cells with increased Notch signalling. Meanwhile, stalk cells, following tip cells, transitioned from high chemokine expression to elevated TEK (also known as Tie2) expression. Moreover, APLN+ TipSI cells not only were associated with disease progression and poor prognosis but also hold promise for predicting response to anti-VEGF therapy. Lymphatic endothelial cells demonstrated two distinct differentiation lineages: one responsible for lymphangiogenesis and the other involved in antigen presentation. In pericytes, endoplasmic reticulum stress was associated with the proangiogenic BASP1+ matrix-producing pericytes. Furthermore, intercellular communication analysis showed that neovascular endothelial cells could shape an immunosuppressive microenvironment conducive to angiogenesis. This study depicts the complexity of tumour vasculature and has potential clinical significance for anti-angiogenic therapy.

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Fig. 1: Cell populations of the tumour vasculature.
Fig. 2: Characterization of pan-tumour VECs.
Fig. 3: Distinct LEC differentiation lineages.
Fig. 4: Characterization of pan-tumour MCs.
Fig. 5: Cross-talk between vasculature and TME cells.

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Data availability

Raw sequencing data, processed scRNA and spatial transcriptome datasets reported in this paper have been deposited at the Genome Sequence Archive at the National Genomics Data Center (Beijing, China) under BioProject PRJCA018695. The data deposited and made public are compliant with the regulations of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China. Integrated gene expression data can be accessed through an online data browser ( Public scRNA datasets and spacial transcriptomiocs data used in this study are shown in Supplementary Table 1 and TCGA datasets are from

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This study is jointly supported by National Key R&D Programmes (NKPs) of China (grant no. 2022YFC3601800), the Natural Science Foundation of China General Program (grant no. 82073020), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (grant no. 2023CDJYGRH-YB05), Science and Technology Innovation Key R&D Program of Chongqing (grant no. CSTB2023TIAD-STX0011), Chongqing Wanzhou Municipal Science and Health Joint Medical Research Project Key Program (grant no. wzstc-kw2023001), Chongqing Wanzhou PhD “through train” Research Project (grant no. wzstc20230402), Hunan Natural Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars (grant no. 2021JJ10073), the Natural Science Foundation of China (grant no. 32200523 and grant no. 82072748), Chongqing Natural Science Foundation (grant no. CSTB2023NSCQ-MSX0658), the CAMS Innovation Fund for Medical Sciences (2021-12M-1-002,2023-12M-2-002) and National High Level Hospital Clinical Research Funding (2022-PUMCH-D-001 and 2022-PUMCH-A-082). We thank Q. Yan for suggestions on this study, Y. Zhao and J. Peng for supporting this project, and X. Hu for the illustrations. Graphs were also created using BioRender.

Author information

Authors and Affiliations



M.Y. and X.P. conceived the presented idea. X.P. and X.L. designed and performed bioinformatic analyses. L.D. and M.Y. performed the mIHC staining and survival analysis. H. Shao and Y.W. constructed the animal model. M.Y., M.Z. and H. Sun collected tissue samples. T.L., L.Z., X.Z., L.H., W.S., Z.F., J.S. and Y.H. collected single-cell data. X.P., X.L., L.D. and M.Y. wrote the manuscript. M.Y. supervised this project. All of the authors discussed the results and contributed to the final manuscript.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Mingzhu Yin.

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Competing interests

M.Y. is the CSO of Zhejiang Wenda Medical Technology. The other authors declare no competing interests.

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Nature thanks Joanna Kalucka and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Extended data figures and tables

Extended Data Fig. 1 Data integration of vascular cells.

a. UMAP plots showing the distribution of vascular cells following the integration steps (Original count to Z-scaled to CSS). After CSS processing, cells produced by different platforms were clustered obviously. b. UMAP plot showing selected marker gene expression of cell types. c. Boxplot showing the LISI (Local Inverse Simpson’s Index) values after each integration step (n = 116,958 cells). For boxplots, centre line represents median, box limits indicate upper and lower quartiles, and whiskers extend 1.5 times the interquartile range.

Extended Data Fig. 2 Data integration of vascular cells.

a. UMAP plots showing the joint density estimation of PECAM1-PDGFRB and PECAM1-DCN. Violin plot showing the expression levels of PECAM1, PDGFRB, and DCN across VECs, EndoMT cells, and MCs. b. Bar plot showing the total cell number (right) and percentages (left) of vascular cells in ANT and tumour tissues. c. Box plot showing the proportion of vascular cells in each sample. Dots represent single-cell samples (ANT, n = 99, Tumour, n = 338), coloured by cancer types. P-value was calculated by two-sided Mann–Whitney U test. d. Violin plot showing the expression levels of selected markers in VEC/LEC subpopulations with similar tissue origin. For boxplots, centre line represents median, box limits indicate upper and lower quartiles, and whiskers extend 1.5 times the interquartile range.

Extended Data Fig. 3 Tumour angiogenesis initiating from VenEC.

a. Visualization of angiogenesis trajectories inferred by Slingshot, VIA, and Monocle3. b. Velocity-based cell state inference supports VenEC as angiogenesis initiation. c. Boxplot showing the CytoTRACE scores among VenEC (n = 37,510), CapEC (n = 61,400), and ArtEC (n = 18,048). Less diff., less differentiated; More diff., more differentiated. d. Boxplot showing cell purity for VenEC (n = 37,510), CapEC (n = 61,400), and ArtEC (n = 18,048) by ROGUE. e. UMAP plot showing the tip-like, stalk-like, and RT/S scores across CapECs. Boxplot showing the distribution of RT/S values among CapEC subclusters. Six subclusters (V1 [n = 6,351], V7 [n = 5,376], V9 [n = 5,268], V12 [n = 4,831], V18 [n = 3,687], and V24 [n = 3,291]) were annotated as “tip-like” CapECs, three (V6 [n = 5,517], V16 [n = 4,399], and V23 [n = 3,361]) as “stalk-like” CapECs, and three (V0 [n = 8,194], V10 [n = 4,946], and V2 [n = 6,179]) in a “Transition” state between tip- and stalk-like cells. f. Box plot showing the mean proportions of each cancer type across VEC subtypes in ANT and tumour tissues, respectively. Dots represent cancer types (n = 31). Briefly, we first calculated the proportion of each cell type in each sample and then calculated the average proportion in each cancer. g. Boxplot showing the sprouting rate between ANT and tumour tissues. Dots represent cancer types (n = 31). Sprouting rate was expressed as the ratio of tip-like cell to VenEC. For boxplots, centre line represents median, box limits indicate upper and lower quartiles, and whiskers extend 1.5 times the interquartile range. Statistical analysis was performed using two-sided Mann–Whitney U test (d and g) and Kruskal-Wallis test (c and f).

Extended Data Fig. 4 Tip-like and stalk-like cells in TVM.

a-b. Visualization of trajectories inferred by Slingshot, VIA, and Monocle3 in tip-like (a) and stalk-like (b) cells, respectively. c. Boxplot showing the CytoTRACE scores among differentiation stages of tip-like (top) and stalk-like (bottom) cells (tip cells: SI, n = 9,063, SII, n = 13,390, SIII, n = 6,351; stalk cells: SI, n = 4,399, SII, n = 3,361, SIII, n = 5,517). d. Violin plots showing the HIF1A activity at transcription levels (top), AUCell score of target genes (middle), and DoRothEA activity (bottom). Error bar represents mean ± standard deviation. e. Violin plots showing the expression of staged markers. f. Representative mIHC of APLN+ TipSI markers in LUAD from n  =  10 independent biological replicates, GBM from n = 11 independent biological replicates, and HCC from n = 10 independent biological replicates. Scale bar, 50 µm. g. SOM (50 × 50 grid) constructed from single-cell transcriptomes of tip-like and stalk-like cells showing scaled metagene expression. Black lines demarcate eight overexpressed metagene-signatures comprising 971 overexpressed genes. h. Function enrichment of overexpressed metagenes interrogated by SOM, resulting in ten TAPFs. P-values are calculated based on the cumulative hypergeometric distribution. i-j. Tip-to-stalk communications in angiogenic stages. Heatmap showing the activities of top 20 ligands (i). Dot plot showing the stage-related LR pairs (j), sized by the pseudobulk Spearman’s correlation P-value and coloured by the interaction potential predicted using NicheNet. k. Violin plot showing the expression levels of genes associated with TAPFs. For boxplots, centre line represents median, box limits indicate upper and lower quartiles, and whiskers extend 1.5 times the interquartile range. Statistical analysis was performed using Kruskal-Wallis test (c).

Extended Data Fig. 5 Clinical implications of VECs.

a. Box plot showing the mean proportions of APLN+ TipSI in each cancer type between ANT and tumour tissues. Dots represent cancer types (n = 31). b. The median infiltration levels of APLN+ TipSI in each TCGA cancer type across ANT, stage I/II, and stage III/IV samples. GBM was graded by G2, G3, and G4. PRAD was graded by Gleason score (GS). We performed the two-sided Mann–Whitney U test on the mean infiltration levels of APLN+ TipSI between stage I/II and ANT samples in each cancer type. Different stages of the same cancer are connected using coloured lines when P < 0.05. c. Heatmap showing the effect of VEC infiltration on OS (right) and PFS (left). d. Variations of VEC infiltration levels following bevacizumab treatment. Boxplots showing differences between pre-treatment responders (R) and non-responders (NR) in UCPH-GBM (N, n = 6, NR, n = 10), KU Leuven-READ (N, n = 6, NR, n = 5), and SYSU-READ (n = 4). e. UMAP plot showing the cell types (left), treatment time points (middle), and patients (right) in SYSU-READ. Table showing the patients’ characteristics. For boxplots, centre line represents median, box limits indicate upper and lower quartiles, and whiskers extend 1.5 times the interquartile range. Statistical analysis was performed using two-sided Mann–Whitney U test (a and d).

Extended Data Fig. 6 LEC in TVM.

a. Pie chart showing the percentage of NLEC detected from ANT and tumour tissues. b. Box plot showing the proportion of NLEC in each sample. Dots represent single-cell samples (ANT, n = 83, Tumour, n = 253), coloured by cancer types. c. Visualization of the LEC trajectories inferred by VIA and Monocle3. d. Bubble plot showing the odds ratio of LEC subpopulations enriched in LEC lineages. Odds ratios are computed using Fisher’s exact test. e. Function enrichment of marker genes of apLEC, tip-like LEC, and stalk-like LEC. P-values are calculated based on the cumulative hypergeometric distribution. f. The activity of HIF1A across LEC subtypes (NLEC, n = 2,872; inter. LEC, n = 2,574; apLEC, n = 1,309; Stalk-like LEC, n = 975; Tip-like LEC, n = 1553). Error bar represents mean ± standard deviation. g. Violin plots showing the expression of PROX1, NFKB1, and TSC22D3 among LECs. h. Correlation of the infiltration levels of apLEC and neolymphatic vessels in the scRNA-seq dataset (left) and TCGA bulk-seq dataset (right). Pearson’s correlation coefficient and its P-value are shown. ****, P < 2.2×10−16. i. Representative examples of mIHC staining with anti-LYVE1 (yellow), anti-NFKB1 (red), and anti-TSC22D3 (green) in HCC from n = 12 independent biological replicates. Scale bar, 50 µm. j. Kaplan–Meier curves of OS for TCGA-HCC samples. Tumour samples were stratified by the median infiltration levels of tip-like LECs (left) and apLECs (right), respectively. k. Heatmap showing the effect of LEC infiltration and RT/ap on OS (left) and PFS (right). For boxplots, centre line represents median, box limits indicate upper and lower quartiles, and whiskers extend 1.5 times the interquartile range. Statistical analysis was performed using two-sided Mann–Whitney U test (b) and log-rank test (j).

Extended Data Fig. 7 Characteristics of PC phenotypes.

a. Boxplot showing the proportions of SMCs and PCs in ANT (n = 77) and tumour (n = 265) samples, respectively. b. Violin plot showing cell purity for SMC (n = 10,819) and PC (n = 29,572) by ROGUE. Error bar represents mean ± standard deviation. c. Bar plot showing the cell number (top) and percentages (bottom) of cancer types across MC subtypes. Box plot showing the mean proportions of each cancer type between ANT (n = 77) and tumour (n = 265) samples across MC subtypes. d. UMAP plot showing the density of quiescent score. MatPCs showing heterogeneous quiescent states. e. Heatmap showing the activities of energy metabolism pathways among PC subclusters. f. Boxplot showing cell purity of MC subtypes by ROGUE. SMC, n = 10,819, adiPC, n = 2,562, matPC, n = 10,230, myoPC, n = 5,599, vdPC, n = 11,181. g. Visualization of the matPC trajectories inferred by Slingshot, VIA, and Monocle3. h. Boxplot showing the CytoTRACE score among matPC subtypes. BASP1+ matPC, n = 2,060, inter. matPC, n = 4,211, matPCQ, n = 3,959. i. Loess regression-smoothened gene expression of the oxidative-stress genes (y-axis) associated with in pseudotime. Violin plot showing the expression levels of corresponding genes. j. Violin plot showing the SCENIC scores of ATF3 (right) and XBP1 (left). BASP1+ matPC, n = 2,060, inter. matPC, n = 4,211, matPCQ, n = 3,959. k-l. Loess regression-smoothened expression (y-axis in k) and SCENIC activity (y-axis in f) in pseudotime. Spearman’s correlation coefficient and its P-value are shown in f. ****, P < 0.0001. m. TF activity in BASP1+ matPC. ER-stress-related TFs were labelled. Shaded region represents the 95% confidence intervals (i, k, and l). For boxplots, centre line represents median, box limits indicate upper and lower quartiles, and whiskers extend 1.5 times the interquartile range. Statistical analysis was performed using two-sided Mann–Whitney U test (a, b, and c) and Kruskal–Wallis test (f, h, and j).

Extended Data Fig. 8 BASP1+ matPC is involved in tumour angiogenesis.

a. Correlation between the proportion of BASP1+ matPC and APLN+ TipSI. Shaded region represents the 95% confidence intervals. Spearman’s correlation coefficient and its P-value are shown. Dots coloured by cancer types. b. Co-localization between APLN+ TipSI and BASP1+ matPC at spatial positions. Scale bar, 1 mm. c. LR pairs between APLN+/TipSI and BASP1+ matPC. d. Violin plot showing the expression levels of VEGF across PC phenotypes. e. Genome browser view showing the binding of XBP1 and ATF3 in the genome region of VEGFA/VEGFB. ChIP-seq data were obtained from public datasets (XBP1: GSE49952 [BC cell lines: T47D, M231, and HS578T] and GSE157117 [OC cell line: A1847]; ATF3: ENCFF020THR [HCC cell line: HepG2], ENCFF341RJA [human induced pluripotent stem cell: WTC11], and ENCFF561SGX [leukaemia cell line: K562]). f. The median infiltration levels of BASP1+ matPC in each TCGA cancer type across ANT, stage I/II, and stage III/IV samples. GBM was graded by G2, G3, and G4. PRAD was graded by Gleason score (GS). We performed the two-sided Mann–Whitney U test on the mean infiltration levels of BASP1+ matPC between stage I/II and ANT samples in each cancer type. Different stages of the same cancer are connected using coloured lines when P < 0.05. g. Heatmap showing the effects of MC infiltration on OS (right) and PFS (left).

Extended Data Fig. 9 Cell interactions during tumour angiogenesis.

a. Dot plot showing the LR pairs between TME cells and APLN+ TipSI when APLN+ TipSI is a sender (top)/receiver (bottom). b. Circos plot showing the VEGF-VEGFR interactions between vascular cells and TME cells. c. Correlation between the proportion of SPP1+ TAM and tip-like VECs. Dots coloured by cancer types. Shaded region represents the 95% confidence intervals. Spearman’s correlation coefficient and its P-value are shown. d. Bar plow showing the number of interactions between SPP1+ TAM and tip cells. e. Co-localization among APLN+ TipSI, SPP1+ TAM, MDSC, myoCAF, matCAF, exhausted T cells, and Treg at spatial positions from ST data of BC (n = 1 case), NSCLC (n = 1 case), PDAC (n = 1 case), OC (n = 1 case), ccRCC (n = 1 case), and cSCC (n = 1 case). Scale bar, 1 mm. f. Representative mIHC of APLN+ tip cells and SPP1+ TAM in NSCLC from n  =  7 independent biological replicates. Arrows depict the specific cell types.

Extended Data Fig. 10 LR pairs associated with APLN+ TipSI.

a. Spatial plot showing the expression intensity of LR pairs of PAC interactions. APLN+ TipSI can recruit PACs via CD99-PILRA, PGF-/PDGFB-related LR pairs. b. Representative mIHC of PDGFB-expressing APLN+ tip cells and PDGFRB-expressing fibroblasts in CSC from n  =  8 independent biological replicates. Arrows depict the specific cell types. c. Spatial plot showing the expression intensity of LR pairs of Treg homing PODXL/CD34-SELL. d. Neovascularization can interact with T cells via GRN-TNFRSF1B, CD34/PODXL-SELL, ICAM1-SPN, and FAM3C-PDCD1/CLEC2D pairs. Expression intensity was calculated by the geometric mean of an LR pair (a and c).

Supplementary information

Supplementary Information

Supplementary Discussion, Supplementary Figs. 1–5 and Supplementary References.

Reporting Summary

Supplementary Table 1

Overview of datasets analysed in this study.

Supplementary Table 2

Marker genes of vascular cells.

Supplementary Table 3

Angiogenic-stage-related LR pairs between tip and stalk cells.

Supplementary Table 4

Deconvolution analysis of vascular cell types in TCGA cohort.

Supplementary Table 5

Overview of internal BC survival cohorts for VECs.

Supplementary Table 6

Overview of internal HCC survival cohorts for VECs.

Supplementary Table 7

Overview of internal NSCLC survival cohorts for VECs.

Supplementary Table 8

Overview of internal HCC survival cohorts for LECs.

Supplementary Table 9

Significant LR interactions between MCs and ECs.

Supplementary Table 10

Overview of internal GBM survival cohorts for PCs.

Supplementary Table 11

Significant LR interactions between vasculature cells and microenvironmental cells.

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Pan, X., Li, X., Dong, L. et al. Tumour vasculature at single-cell resolution. Nature 632, 429–436 (2024).

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