Correction to: Nature Published online 14 December 2022

In the version of this article originally published, Figs. 1b, 2f, and 2n contained errors. Figure 1b had accidental merging of the same Hoechst image with the Tmem119 stain for both genotypes. Figure 2f had incorrect statistical results which had not been updated following quantification of a larger number of axons. Figure 2n, a magnified inset of Fig. 2l in Fire∆/∆, had been rotated 180° from the lower magnification image in 2l and the green asterisks were too small. These figures have now been corrected, and the original and revised versions can be seen below in Figs. 1 and 2.

Fig. 1: Original and revised Fig. 1b
figure 1


Fig. 2: Original and revised Fig. 2n
figure 2


In addition, Extended Data Fig. 7f had a typographical error in the legend, which should have read n = 3 mice on normal diet and n = 4 mice on PLX diet. The source data for Fig. 2j provided were for ‘total myelinated axons’ but should have been for ‘normally myelinated axons’, and the correct data were provided in the tab for Fig. 2k.

We have now included the background strain of the Fire∆/∆ mice in the methods section.

Please note that the same representative images for IBA1 staining are included in both Fig. 4a and Extended Data Fig. 8a, yet this is not an error as these address different questions: Fig. 4a indicates total IBA1+ cells and Extended Data Fig. 8a indicates the subset of these which are LYVE1+ (perivascular macrophages).