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Emerging photovoltaics for onboard space applications

Thin-film solar cells are promising for providing cost-effective and reliable power in space, especially in multi-junction applications. To enhance efficiency, robustness and integration, advancements at the cell level must be combined with improvements in assembly and panel design. Ensuring that solar cells can provide sustained performance is also essential for minimizing space debris.

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This work is supported by the State of New South Wales (NSW) Space Research Network (SRN) Pilot Research Project RP220107. A.W.Y.H.-B. is also supported by the Australian Research Council (ARC) via Future Fellowships FT210100210. M.A.M. is a recipient of the Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE) Early Career Researcher Grant (ECRG) ALNGRA2310.

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Ho-Baillie, A.W.Y., Bremner, S., Brenner, C. et al. Emerging photovoltaics for onboard space applications. Nat Rev Mater (2024).

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