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Computational sustainability meets materials science

Computational sustainability harnesses computing and artificial intelligence for human well-being and the protection of our planet. Materials science is central to many sustainability challenges. Exploiting synergies between computational sustainability and materials science advances both fields, furthering the ultimate goal of establishing a sustainable future.

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Computational sustainability research has been supported by an Expedition in Computing from the US National Science Foundation (NSF; CCF-1522054). eBird has been supported by the Leon Levy Foundation, the Wolf Creek Foundation, and NSF (DBI-1939187). Materials science research has also been supported by the AFOSR Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) Program FA9550-18-1-0136, US DOE Award No.DE-SC0020383, and an award from the Toyota Research Institute.

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The authors contributed equally to all aspects of the article.

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Correspondence to Carla P. Gomes.

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Gomes, C.P., Fink, D., van Dover, R.B. et al. Computational sustainability meets materials science. Nat Rev Mater 6, 645–647 (2021).

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