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Control of tuberal hypothalamic development and its implications in metabolic disorders


The tuberal hypothalamus regulates a range of crucial physiological processes, including energy homeostasis and metabolism. In this Review, we explore the intricate molecular mechanisms and signalling pathways that control the development of the tuberal hypothalamus, focusing on aspects that shape metabolic outcomes. Major developmental events are discussed in the context of their effect on the establishment of both functional hypothalamic neuronal circuits and brain–body interfaces that are pivotal to the control of metabolism. Emerging evidence indicates that aberrations in molecular pathways during tuberal hypothalamic development contribute to metabolic dysregulation. Understanding the molecular underpinnings of tuberal hypothalamic development provides a comprehensive view of neurodevelopmental processes and offers a promising avenue for future targeted interventions to prevent and treat metabolic disorders.

Key points

  • Energy balance is regulated by pro-opiomelanocortin and neuropeptide Y neurons within the arcuate nucleus and by tanycytes within the median eminence.

  • Sequential signalling events govern the progression of diencephalic prethalamic-like cells to generate regionally distinct populations of hypothalamic progenitors; sustained signalling events and hierarchical transcription factor networks mediate tuberal neurogenesis and the specification of tuberal neuronal subtypes and tanycytes.

  • Leptin and a high-fat diet regulate diverse aspects of tuberal cell specification, including neurogenesis, axon guidance and synaptic connectivity.

  • Neurons of the tuberal hypothalamus are sexually dimorphic in their distribution and regulate sexually dimorphic patterns of behaviour.

  • Genetic and environmental factors disrupt tuberal hypothalamic development and lead to lifelong metabolic defects.

  • Directed differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells towards hypothalamic identities is in its infancy but holds the promise of generating therapeutically important tuberal hypothalamic cell types.

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Fig. 1: Anatomy of the adult and developing tuberal hypothalamus.
Fig. 2: Gene regulatory networks underlying HypFP and tuberal progenitor specification.
Fig. 3: Topology of the hypothalamus at neurogenic stages.
Fig. 4: Molecular pathways underlying ARCN neuronal and tuberal tanycyte differentiation.
Fig. 5: Stage-specific insults to the developing hypothalamus and their role in metabolic disorders.

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This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust (212247/Z/18/Z) to M.P., the NIH (R01MH126676) to S.B. and the Lundbeckfonden grant (R361-2020-2654) to D.W.K.

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Placzek, M., Chinnaiya, K., Kim, D.W. et al. Control of tuberal hypothalamic development and its implications in metabolic disorders. Nat Rev Endocrinol (2024).

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