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Enhanced generation of magnonic frequency combs

As counterparts to optical frequency combs, magnonic frequency combs could have broad applications if their initiation thresholds were low and the ‘teeth’ of the comb plentiful. Progress has now been made through exploiting so-called exceptional points to enhance the nonlinear coupling between magnons and produce wider magnonic frequency combs.

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Fig. 1: Magnonic frequency combs (MFCs) enhanced using exceptional points.


  1. Wang, Z. et al. Magnonic frequency comb through nonlinear magnon-skyrmion scattering. Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 037202 (2021). A theoretical paper that proposes a mechanism for generating magnonic frequency combs.

    Article  ADS  Google Scholar 

  2. Hula, T. et al. Spin-wave frequency combs. Appl. Phys. Lett. 121, 112404 (2022). This paper reports the experimental observation of magnonic frequency combs.

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  3. Rao, J. W. et al. Unveiling a pump-induced magnon mode via its strong interaction with Walker modes. Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 046705 (2023). This paper reports the observation of a pump-induced magnon mode and magnonic frequency combs.

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This is a summary of: Wang, C. et al. Enhancement of magnonic frequency combs by exceptional points. Nat. Phys. (2024).

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Enhanced generation of magnonic frequency combs. Nat. Phys. 20, 1061–1062 (2024).

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