Correction to: Nature Materials, published online 23 October 2020.

In the version of this article initially published, Sergei Lopatin (Imaging and Characterization Core Laboratory, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) was omitted from the author list and has now been included for contributing to thin-film imaging and EELS analysis work. In the Fig. 4 caption and fifth from last paragraph of the main text, an error in the second numerator of the IQE equation has been amended to now read: \({{{\mathrm{IQE}}}} = \frac{{{{{\mathrm{IQE}}}}_{{{{\mathrm{max}}}}}}}{2}\left( {1 + {{{\mathrm{erfc}}}}\frac{{\Delta {{{\mathrm{IE}}}} - B}}{\sigma }} \right)\). Further, in the Supplementary Information file available online, the methods discussed in the Transmission Electron Microscopy section have been updated with an additional figure (Supplementary Fig. 18), with Supp. Fig. 19, 22 citations in the main article updated accordingly.

The changes have been made to the online version of the article.