Correction to: European Journal of Human Genetics (2024) 32:479–488, published online 05 March 2024

The reference 55 had to be corrected.

The incorrect information was:

“ 55. Loong L, Cubuk C, Choi S, Allen S, Torr B, Garrett A, et al. Quantifying prediction of pathogenicity for within-codon concordance (PM5) using 7541 functional classifications of BRCA1 and MSH2 missense variants. Genet Med. 2022;24:552–63.”

The correct information is:

“55. Loong L, Garrett A, Allen S, Choi S, Durkie M, Callaway A, et al. Reclassification of clinically-detected sequence variants: Framework for genetic clinicians and clinical scientists by CanVIG-UK (Cancer Variant Interpretation Group UK). Genet Med. 2022;24:1867-77.