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The influence of marine fungal meroterpenoid meroantarctine A toward HaCaT keratinocytes infected with Staphylococcus aureus


A new biological activity was discovered for marine fungal meroterpenoid meroantarctine A with unique 6/5/6/6 polycyclic system. It was found that meroantarctine A can significantly reduce biofilm formation by Staphylococcus aureus with an IC50 of 9.2 µM via inhibition of sortase A activity. Co-cultivation of HaCaT keratinocytes with a S. aureus suspension was used as an in vitro model of skin infection. Treatment of S. aureus-infected HaCaT cells with meroantarctine A at 10 µM caused a reduction in the production of TNF-α, IL-18, NO, and ROS, as well as LDH release and caspase 1 activation in these cells and, finally, recovered the proliferation and migration of HaCaT cells in an in vitro wound healing assay up to the control level. Thus, meroantarctine A is a new promising antibiofilm compound which can effective against S. aureus caused skin infection.

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This study was carried out using the equipment of the Collective Facilities Center “The Far Eastern Center for Structural Molecular Research (NMR/MS) PIBOC FEB RAS” and using the Collective Facilities Center “Collection of Marine Microorganisms PIBOC FEB RAS”.


This research was funded by the Russian Science Foundation (grant number 23-24-00471).

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Conceptualization, EAY and EAC; methodology, EAY, EAC and ESM; software, EAY, ASK and ANY; validation, DLA, and IVG; formal analysis, ESM, ASK and EAC; investigation, EAC, ARC, ESM, EAP, EVL, GVB, and EAY; resources, IVG and EAC; data curation, DLA and EAY; writing—original draft prep-aration, EAC, and EAY; writing—review and editing, DLA and IVG; visualization, ESM, EAP, and EAC supervision, EAY and DLA; project administration, EAC and EAY; funding acquisition, EAC. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Ekaterina A. Chingizova or Ekaterina A. Yurchenko.

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Chingizova, E.A., Chingizov, A.R., Menchinskaya, E.S. et al. The influence of marine fungal meroterpenoid meroantarctine A toward HaCaT keratinocytes infected with Staphylococcus aureus. J Antibiot (2024).

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