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Mycetoindole, an N-acyl dehydrotryptophan with plant growth inhibitory activity from an actinomycete of the genus Actinomycetospora


A rare actinomycetal strain of the genus Actinomycetospora was found to produce a new tryptophan derivative, designated mycetoindole (1). The structure of 1 was determined to be N-3-methylcrotonoyl (Z)-dehydrotryptophan by NMR and MS analytical methods. Compound 1 reduced the root growth of lettuce Lactuca sativa seedlings at concentrations above 0.1 μM and almost completely inhibited seed germination at 10 μM.

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We are in debt to Prof. Yasufumi Hikichi and Dr. Ayami Kanda at Kochi University for providing R. solanacearum SUPP1541. This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 19K05848 to YI. P388 cells were obtained from JCRB Cell Bank under an accession code JCRB0017 (Lot. 06252002). C. albicans NBRC0197 was obtained from NBRC.

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Saito, S., Oku, N. & Igarashi, Y. Mycetoindole, an N-acyl dehydrotryptophan with plant growth inhibitory activity from an actinomycete of the genus Actinomycetospora. J Antibiot 75, 44–47 (2022).

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