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figure 1

Article: Prevention of oral diseases for the older person (Part 1)

1. Which category of prevention strategies include those that reduce morbidity by restoring function and reducing disease-related complications?

A. primary

B. community

C. enforced

D. tertiary

2. Which level of fluoride in toothpaste has been found to be more effective in reducing root surface caries?

A. 250 ppm

B. 1,000 ppm

C. 5,000 ppm

D. 10,000 ppm

3. Oral nutritional supplements:

A. are often advised for older people who are unable to meet their dietary requirements through oral diet alone

B. come in various types, including juices, milkshakes, high energy powders, soups and cereal bars

C. can have a high sugar content and can increase the risk of developing dental caries

D. all of the above

4. A growing body of evidence has shown that following hospital admission:

A. there is an increase in dental plaque, gingival inflammation and subsequent deterioration in oral mucosal health

B. oral health improves

C. there is very little alteration in a patient's oral health

D. the communication between medical and dental personnel is enhanced

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