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19F qNMR based pharmacokinetics, metabolism and mass balance studies of SARS-CoV-2-3CL protease inhibitor simnotrelvir (SIM0417) in humans


Simnotrelvir (SIM0417), an inhibitor of the 3CL protease of SARS-CoV-2, has been identified as a CYP3A sensitive substrate. This study investigated the pharmacokinetics, metabolism, and mass balance of simnotrelvir following a single oral dose of 750 mg in six healthy Chinese male subjects, co-administered with four doses of 100 mg ritonavir. Analysis using 19F qNMR combined with LC-MS/MS showed that the parent drug M0 constituted over 90% of the drug-related components in plasma. Of the administered dose, 55.4% (54.3% of M0) was recovered in urine, while 36.7% (4.57% of M0) was excreted in feces. UPLC/Q-TOF MS was used to identify metabolites in human plasma, urine and feces. Notably, oxidative metabolites catalyzed by CYP3A were scarcely detected in these matrixes. The amide hydrolyzed metabolite M9 and the cyano hydrolyzed metabolite M10 were recognized as the predominant metabolites, with the main excretion being through feces (19.0% and 12.7% of the administered dose, respectively). In vitro experiments indicated that M10 is primarily formed in the duodenum and jejunum, with further metabolism to M9 by microbiota in the large intestine. Overall, the co-administration of simnotrelvir with ritonavir led to predominant metabolism by intestinal enzymes or microbiota, resulting in hydrolyzed metabolites. These findings highlight the critical role of intestinal metabolism in the pharmacokinetics of simnotrelvir and emphasize the need to consider interactions with antibiotics and individual differences of intestinal microbiota.

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Fig. 1: Metabolic profiles of simnotrelvir in human plasma, urine and feces by UPLC/Q-TOF MS.
Fig. 2: Proposed metabolic pathways of simnotrelvir in human plasma, urine and feces.
Fig. 3: Metabolism of simnotrelvir in vitro.
Fig. 4: Concentration-time curves of simnotrelvir and its metabolites in human plasma following a single dose of 750 mg simnotrelvir co-administered with four doses of 100 mg ritonavir.
Fig. 5: Formation of M10 and M9 in tissue homogenates, tissue contents, and feces.
Fig. 6: Formation of M10 in duodenum homogenate or jejunum content with various inhibitors.

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This research was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 82073924) and grants from State Key Laboratory of Drug Research. We acknowledge the clinical teams at the First Affiliated Hospital of Shandong First Medical University and Shandong Provincial Qianfoshan Hospital for conducting the human mass balance study of simnotrelvir (Principal investigator: Prof. Wei Zhao). We would also like to acknowledge EditSprings ( for the expert linguistic services provided.

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ZYW, YMR, and XYC designed and performed research, analyzed data and wrote the paper; SWH, NXZ, MXD, and YL performed research and analyzed data; YY, ZJG, SSX, JC, and AHG contributed the test drug and extended financial support.

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Correspondence to Xiao-yan Chen.

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YY and JC are employees of Simcere Zaiming Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. ZJG, SSX, and AHG are employees of Jiangsu Simcere Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. The other authors declare that they have no competing interests.

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Wang, Zy., Ren, Ym., Hu, Sw. et al. 19F qNMR based pharmacokinetics, metabolism and mass balance studies of SARS-CoV-2-3CL protease inhibitor simnotrelvir (SIM0417) in humans. Acta Pharmacol Sin (2024).

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