Photonic computing represents one of the most promising solutions to address the exponential growth in data scale and computational demands driven by artificial intelligence in the post-Moore era1,2,3. Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) offer intrinsic advantages, including low latency, high parallelism, and strong immunity to electromagnetic interference4. By utilizing complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) manufacturing techniques, PICs are expected to facilitate low-cost, high-volume production, positioning them as a significant breakthrough direction in the field of photonic computing5.

Non-volatile photonic-electronic memory stands as a critical yet challenging fundamental device for achieving PIC compatibility in photonic computing. Conventional actively tuned electro-optic modulators, including Mach-Zehnder6 and micro-ring resonator modulators7, lack non-volatility. Chalcogenide phase change materials (PCM), such as Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST) have garnered significant interest recently for non-volatile reversible storage8,9. However, the stochastic nature of crystal nucleation limits GST’s crystallization speed. Additionally, the low extinction ratio presents another challenge to its broader use.

In a recently publication in Light: Science & Applications, Xiao Gong’s team from National University of Singapore introduced a novel approach for non-volatile photonic-electronic memory, integrating an Al-doped HfO2 (HAO) ferroelectric (FE) thin film onto a silicon photonic platform as shown in Fig. 1 (ref. 10). The 3D monolithic integration on the silicon waveguide enables zero-energy retention of optical information. Electrical programming/erasing are controlled via Eprogram/erase port applied to the FE, while optical programming/erasing is facilitated by two photodiodes make this dual-mode operation allows simultaneous, non-destructive readout. The design places the FE thin film atop the waveguide, safeguarding other photonic components during fabrication. This approach ensures simplicity, scalability, and full compatibility with both electronic and photonic manufacturing processes.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The 3D schematic of the proposed non-volatile photonic-electronic memory and its enlarged structural view

The non-volatile photonic-electronic memory exhibited strong performance in both simulations and experimental verification. Employing a ring resonator structure, the memory cell achieved an optical extinction ratio of 6.6 dB at a low operating voltage of 5 V. Retention and endurance tests confirmed its non-volatile characteristics and reliability. The device was programmed and erased using ±5 V pulses, with read operations conducted at 1 V across intervals ranging from 1 s to 1000 s at room temperature, demonstrating no significant degradation. Fitting analysis indicates an estimated retention exceeding 10 years. The memory cell demonstrated a minimum endurance of 4 × 104 cycles at 5 V and 1 × 106 cycles at 4 V. By leveraging the ferroelectric material’s capacity to control induced polarization via external voltage bias, the memory cell efficiently supports multi-level storage.

While advancements in PICs, particularly in non-volatile photonic-electronic memories, are driving progress in photonic computing, the realization of artificial general intelligence (AGI) demands not only device innovation but also coordinated advancements across multiple domains, including algorithms, systems, and applications. Cutting-edge algorithms, such as in-situ training11 and dual adaptive training12 methods, facilitate real-time correction of time-varying system errors through online learning, contributing to the development of efficient and energy-saving PICs. The integration of on-chip diffraction and interference opens avenues for the creation of large-scale diffractive-interference hybrid photonics chiplets13, fostering novel PIC systems with enhanced scalability and computational power. The scope of photonic computing is expanding beyond initial applications in simple handwritten digit classification14 to encompass more complex tasks, such as visual information processing15 and content generation16. These developments will also provide crucial insights for the future evolution of PICs.