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Infant heart-rate measurement and oxygen desaturation detection with a digital video camera using imaging photoplethysmography



To assess the feasibility of using an ordinary digital video camera to measure heart rate and detect oxygen desaturations in healthy infants.

Study design

Heart rate and oxygen saturation were measured with a video camera by detecting small color changes in 28 infants’ foreheads and compared with standard pulse oximetry measures. Multivariable regression examined the relationship between infant characteristics and heart-rate measurement precision.


The average bias of camera heart-rate measures was −4.2 beats per minute (BPM) and 95% limits of agreement were ±43.8 BPM. Desaturations detected by camera were 75% sensitive (15/20) and had a positive predictive value of 20% (15/74). Lower birth-weight was independently correlated with more precise heart-rate measures (8.05 BPM per kg, [95% CI 0.764–15.3]).


A digital video camera provides accurate but imprecise measures of infant heart rate and may provide a rough screening tool for oxygen desaturations.

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Fig. 1: Still image from video shows IPPG heart-rate measures generated from color changes within the ROI, shown in green over the infant’s forehead.
Fig. 2: Bland–Altman plot.
Fig. 3: Desaturations per video detected by standard pulse oximetry and camera IPPG.

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The computer code used is publicly available and may be freely downloaded from The modified version used by the authors is available upon request.


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We thank Marcia VanVleet, MD, James Padbury, MD, and the nurses working in the newborn nursery for their support. We thank the families of the infants who participated in this study, and the parents who granted us permission to publish the video of their infant. We thank Michael D. Goldberg, PhD and Joshua Bronson for helpful comments.

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MEW conceptualized and designed the study, designed the data collection instruments, collected data, performed data analyses, drafted the initial manuscript, reviewed and revised the manuscript. TGM designed the study, coordinated and supervised data collection, collected data, reviewed and revised the manuscript. MB critically reviewed and revised the manuscript. HM collected data and critically reviewed the manuscript. GJB designed the study, coordinated and supervised data collection, reviewed and revised the manuscript. All authors approved the final manuscript as submitted and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work.

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Correspondence to Matthew E. Wieler.

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Wieler, M.E., Murphy, T.G., Blecherman, M. et al. Infant heart-rate measurement and oxygen desaturation detection with a digital video camera using imaging photoplethysmography. J Perinatol 41, 1725–1731 (2021).

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