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The exonuclease ERI-1 has a conserved dual role in 5.8S rRNA processing and RNAi


The exonuclease ERI-1 negatively regulates RNA interference in Caenorhabditis elegans and Schizosaccharomyces pombe, and is required for production of some C. elegans endogenous small interfering RNAs. We show that ERI-1 performs 3′ end processing of the 5.8S ribosomal RNA in both C. elegans and S. pombe. In C. elegans, two protein isoforms of ERI-1 are localized to the cytoplasm, and each has distinct functions in ribosomal RNA processing and negative regulation of RNA interference.

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Figure 1: eri-1 is required for 3′ end processing of the 5.8S rRNA in C. elegans and S. pombe.
Figure 2: ERI-1 directly processes the 5.8S rRNA in ribosomes.

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We thank M. Ansel, A. Rao and V. Heissmeyer for sharing unpublished results, M. Buhler and D. Moazed (Harvard Medical School, Boston) for providing S. pombe strains, T. Duchaine (McGill University, Montreal) for antibody reagents, S. Kennedy (University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA) for worm strains and advice, and S. Fischer for technical advice. We also thank J. Huang, E. O'Rourke, S. Curran and members of the Ruvkun laboratory for critical reading of the manuscript. This work was supported by the US National Institutes of Health grant GM44619 to G.R.

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Gabel, H., Ruvkun, G. The exonuclease ERI-1 has a conserved dual role in 5.8S rRNA processing and RNAi. Nat Struct Mol Biol 15, 531–533 (2008).

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