It's our birthday! Yes, Nature Reviews Immunology is 10 years old this month and, to thank our readers and authors for their incredible support over the years, we have lined up a very special issue for you. In our featured Viewpoint article on page 693, the authors of some of our most highly cited Reviews discuss why their article has had such high impact and share their thoughts on what the future holds for immunology. We have also asked more than 100 of our authors to comment on the most exciting advances in immunology over the past decade — their answers have been compiled in our Editorial on page 635.

For the majority of the issue, we celebrate by continuing to do what we've always done best: delivering Reviews and Perspectives from the world's leading immunologists. We have two complementary Reviews on natural killer cells: the first (p645) compares their homeostasis and functions with those of CD8+ T cells, and the second highlights their organ-specific activities (p658). Our Reviews on pages 672 and 685 discuss, respectively, our current understanding of the T cell synapse and how inflammation affects haematopoietic stem cells, and on page 702 we have an Opinion article on the relationship between angiogenesis and immunosuppression. Finally, see our Comment article on page 636 for a discussion of the widespread implications of the gut microbiota on immunology research.

We are delighted to announce that, thanks to support from eBioscience, we will release an exclusive 10th anniversary calendar in December featuring artwork from the journal. As a final treat for you, we have prepared an immunology-themed crossword, which is printed in this issue and can be accessed online at

So unlike other 10 year olds, we won't be bringing you balloons, bouncy castles or Bieber. But all the best immunology? That's a piece of cake!