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Vortex arrays in neutral trapped Fermi gases through the BCS–BEC crossover


Vortex arrays in type-II superconductors reflect the translational symmetry of an infinite system. There are cases, however, such as ultracold trapped Fermi gases and the crust of neutron stars, where finite-size effects make it complex to account for the geometrical arrangement of vortices. Here, we self-consistently generate these arrays of vortices at zero and finite temperature through a microscopic description of the non-homogeneous superfluid based on a differential equation for the local order parameter, obtained by coarse graining the Bogoliubov–de Gennes (BdG) equations. In this way, the strength of the inter-particle interaction is varied along the BCS–BEC crossover, from largely overlapping Cooper pairs in the Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer (BCS) limit to dilute composite bosons in the Bose–Einstein condensed (BEC) limit. Detailed comparison with two landmark experiments on ultracold Fermi gases, aimed at revealing the presence of the superfluid phase, brings out several features that make them relevant for other systems in nature as well.

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Figure 1: Arrays of vortices at unitarity for Ω = 0.8  Ωr.
Figure 2: Comparing the number of vortices with the experimental data.
Figure 3: Dependence of the moment of inertia on the angular frequency.
Figure 4: Comparison with the experimental data for the moment of inertia at unitarity.

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G.C.S. is indebted to G. Bertsch, A. Bulgac and A. L. Fetter for discussions. Partial financial support from the University of Camerino under project FAR-CESN is acknowledged.

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S.S. carried out the calculations, G.C.S. directed the work and wrote the manuscript, and P.P. contributed to the interpretation of the results and the writing of the manuscript.

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Correspondence to G. Calvanese Strinati.

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Simonucci, S., Pieri, P. & Strinati, G. Vortex arrays in neutral trapped Fermi gases through the BCS–BEC crossover. Nature Phys 11, 941–945 (2015).

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