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Enhanced Y1H assays for Arabidopsis


We present an Arabidopsis thaliana full-length transcription factor resource of 92% of root stele–expressed transcription factors and 74.5% of root-expressed transcription factors. We demonstrate its use with enhanced yeast one-hybrid (eY1H) screening for rapid, systematic mapping of plant transcription factor–promoter interactions. We identified 158 interactions with 13 stele-expressed promoters, many of which occur physically or are regulatory in planta.

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Figure 1: An Arabidopsis eY1H transcription factor resource.
Figure 2: Using the transcription factor resource in an eY1H assay.

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This work was supported by University of California Davis startup funds to S.M.B., US National Institutes of Health grant GM082971 to A.J.M.W., US Department of Agriculture 1907-21000-030 to D.W., GM092412 and GM056006 to S.A.K., We thank K. Cavanaugh, D. Lavelle, L. Williams, P. Nittler, R. Michelmore, J. Pelletier, K. Vo, J. Foret, S. Winte and J. Harada for assistance.

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S.M.B., D.W., A.J.M.W. and J.S.R.-H. conceived the project; J.S.R.-H. and A.J.M.W. provided the eY1H mating protocol; A.G. and D.K. performed the yeast experiments; A.G. and L.Z. cloned the de novo transcription factors; L.Z., M.T.-T., A.G., L.P. and Z.L. recombined the transcription factors; L.Z., G.B., J.L.P.-P. and S.A.K. accumulated and curated transcription factor entry clones; and S.M.B., A.G., D.W., L.Z., A.J.M.W. and J.S.R.-H. wrote the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Siobhan M Brady.

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Gaudinier, A., Zhang, L., Reece-Hoyes, J. et al. Enhanced Y1H assays for Arabidopsis. Nat Methods 8, 1053–1055 (2011).

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