Scientists spend a lot of time in the university system, but few know what it means to actually work in academia as what, in North America, is described as a 'professor'. Where do you learn how to be a professor? What exactly is tenure track and how does one 'get on it'? How do you negotiate for what you need?

FORWARD to Professorship is a workshop spread over two and a half days that helps faculty-to-be and new tenure-track faculty members explore the above questions and much more. About a quarter of the workshop is devoted to issues specific to women and other under-represented groups in science, engineering and mathematics. We aim to equip participants with a personal plan for their path to tenure and to a balanced life. With funding from the US National Science Foundation, we have held the workshop for the past three years at Gallaudet University in Washington DC, with 40 to 50 participants from across the United States. We took it on the road for the first time this year, to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

We address the three components of professorship: teaching, research and service. For teaching, we demonstrate a variety of styles. For research, the focus is on securing funding; guest speakers from various funding agencies discuss requirements and expectations for proposals. For service, we address the need for university service, while cautioning against over-commitment.

We also give participants time to do some writing — typically on research or teaching statements — and to receive feedback. Experts in negotiation discuss why women often do not negotiate well or much, and review strategies. Family issues such as your options if you want children and if your partner is in the same field are addressed by professors who have successfully handled these situations. Participants sit with department chairs and deans in small groups to ask questions about how administrators view certain situations.

Follow-up surveys have shown that networks and mentoring begun at the workshop continue long after it ends. One participant arrived at the workshop three years ago having decided to quit her PhD programme. While there, she found mentors and support. We are pleased to report that she has now completed her doctorate.

For more information about attending the workshop or bringing it to your institution, please contact us at