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In and around the nucleus

Studies of how the eukaryotic nucleus is functionally organized have led to the realization that nuclei are incredibly dynamic. Many nuclear structures are actually by products of a large steady-state flux of macromolecules through a given domain. A recent conference in the south of France on Nuclear Structure and Dynamics brought together scientists with diverse perspectives on the nucleus to try to provide a more coherent picture of the nucleus's dynamic organization and how this architecture is entwined with epigenetic control of gene expression.

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We particularly thank Giacomo Cavalli for his support and for providing the photo of the conference participants, and Susan Gasser and David Spector for comments and suggestions. This conference was generously supported by EMBO, FEBS, the Institute of Human Genetics, CNRS, and an EU-funded Epigenome NOE grant.

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Akhtar, A., Matera, A. In and around the nucleus. Nat Cell Biol 8, 3–6 (2006).

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