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The clinical relevance of minor paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria clones in refractory cytopenia of childhood: a prospective study by EWOG-MDS

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AMA and this research were supported by the KiKa Foundation, Amstelveen, The Netherlands. In the Czech Republic RCC diagnosis and treatment were supported by a grant of the Ministry of Health for conceptual development of research organization 00064203 (University Hospital Motol, Prague, Czech Republic).

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Correspondence to M M van den Heuvel-Eibrink.

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VHJV, AWL, CMN, MHE conceived and designed the study; AMA, AY, AF, PN analyzed the data; AMA, VHJV, AY, JJMD, RP, CMN, MHE interpreted the data; MD, HH, FL, BDM, MSL, JS, MZ, CMN, MHE treated patients and contributed patient samples; IB performed central review of bone marrow morphology; GG, BB performed central review of cytogenetics; AMA, VHJV, MHE wrote the paper; all authors approved the final version of the paper.

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Aalbers, A., van der Velden, V., Yoshimi, A. et al. The clinical relevance of minor paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria clones in refractory cytopenia of childhood: a prospective study by EWOG-MDS. Leukemia 28, 189–192 (2014).

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