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Genetic origin of Behçet’s disease population in Denizli, Turkey; population genetics data analysis; historical demography and geographical perspectives based on β-globin gene cluster haplotype variation


In our study, we aimed to investigate the possible genetic drift, relationships, expansion and historical origin based on haplotype frequencies of the β-globin gene cluster of normal and Behçet’s disease (BD) population in Denizli, Turkey. We examined blood DNA samples obtained from our DNA bank. The association of population genetic parameters such as haplotypes, diversity, differentiation, Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium and demographic analysis for two populations was performed by Arlequin ver. 3.5. Our results show that both populations have high similarity in genetic parameters in terms of development and expansion based on haplotype diversity through the history. We found that historical levels of gene flow were significantly higher between the two populations. According to historical population, growth parameter of τ values for normal and BD populations dated approximately 42 000 to 38 000 ybp, respectively. In conclusion, historically, two populations show similar genetic parameters and unimodal growth distribution. Our results are consistent with the view that the BD may have occurred in area, independent from Silk Road.

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This work was partially supported by Pamukkale University Research Fund Projects Nos 2005SBE001, 2005SBE002 and 2006SBE004 regarding to consumables used.

Author contributions

SA and AB provided support in the data generation of the laboratory results, sample collection and preparation. SA and AB equally contributed to the study regarding the benchwork. AA and EOA supervised the study, and were involved in the data interpretation and manuscript preparation.

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Ozturk, O., Arikan, S., Bahadir, A. et al. Genetic origin of Behçet’s disease population in Denizli, Turkey; population genetics data analysis; historical demography and geographical perspectives based on β-globin gene cluster haplotype variation. Genes Immun 18, 28–32 (2017).

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