With less than 2 months to go and delegate numbers on par with previous years’ numbers, Nordic Life Science Days welcome members of the global life science community to Stockholm, Sweden on September 10-12. During the 2,5 days event, companies, service providers, investors, research communities, and government and regulatory bodies are provided the usual mix of partnering, a cutting-edge conference program and plenty of opportunities for networking. The Super Sessions in particular spark lively debate and this year’s topics look sure to continue the tradition.

Nine Super Sessions tackle the big questions

One of the super sessions focuses on the role of Digital Health in pharma and biotech, while another session takes a deep look into how Artificial Intelligence can be applied to boost progress in biobank and health data-driven discovery of drug targets and biomarkers, real world evidence-based research and personalized healthcare. This year’s session on Immuno-Oncology , will discuss how e.g. big data, personalized medicine, beyond the pill approaches and new targets can contribute to shape the next wave of innovation. In the session on Precision Medicine, the need for radical and transformative changes for drug manufacturers, healthcare providers and payers will be debated.

The remaining super sessions cover new methods of Drug Delivery , the practical impact of Patient Engagement as a business development tool, Reproductive Medicine and business opportunities, and two sessions looking at the financing of life science projects. In the International Investors Pitching session, experienced investors will tell the audience what they would like to hear when approached by companies with their investment pitches. In the other session, Life Science Financing – from seed to market, we will hear presentations of the financial journey of a few success cases and an experienced panel of investors, from Business Angels to Venture Capital firms, will comment on different ways to finance companies.

Last but not least, in addition to the 9 super sessions, a special session on nano technology, 4 workshops and over 60 company presentations will be organized. One workshop will put special emphasis on the virtual business model and the role of service providers, acting not only as an extra pair of hands but as a trusted partner. It is a model much used by the SMEs in the Nordics and has shown to be very effective.

Pre-conference visits at SciLifeLab, Sweden’s national center for molecular biosciences

This pre-conference fringe on September 10 th is a one-day satellite symposium for delegates to learn more about SciLifeLab, meet our facilities, investigate our capabilities and technologies, and to learn how your organization can leverage this unique asset in Sweden ’s life science sector. The event is held in Aula Medica at Karolinska Institutet on Monday 10 September 2018, between 10:00–15:00. Bus service round trip from Stockholm Waterfront will be provided.

You are welcome to sign up now at: www.scilifelab.se/events/scilifelab-nls

The Nordics – a biotech stronghold in Europe

NLSDays takes place during a thriving period for the Nordic region. In a recent report by SwedenBIO mapping the Swedish precision medicine landscape, no less than 76 companies collectively running 200 development projects were identified. Many of these companies will attend NLSDays and we hope that foreign companies and investors will take the opportunity to meet them at the conference.

About NLSDays

NLSDays is a SwedenBIO event, produced by Bionordic. Nordic Life Science Days has grown rapidly since its launch in 2012 to become the largest Nordic partnering conference for the global life science industry. In 2017, 1300 delegates from 40 countries attended the meeting. The 800 companies attending engaged in over 3000 one-on-one meetings.

Among the investors and big pharma registered for the meeting so far include AstraZeneca, Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol-Mayer Squibbs, Johnson & Johnson Innovation, MSD, Pfizer, Roche and Sanofi.

Venue: Stockholm Waterfront Congress Center, Nils Ericssons Plan 4, Stockholm, Sweden.

Time: September 10-12, 2018

URL: http://www.nlsdays.com

Nordic Life Science Days is a SwedenBIO event produced by Bionordic.

NLSDays contacts

Managing Director: Olivier Duchamp, olivier.duchamp@bionordic.com, +33 (0) 608 804 515.

Media Officer: Ola Björkman, ola.bjorkman@letemknow.se, +46 (0) 70 245 74 97.

About SwedenBIO, http://swedenbio.se/information-in-english

SwedenBIO, the trade association for the Swedish life science sector has more than 250 members operating across all sub-sectors from pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical technology to diagnostics. SwedenBIO serves to the benefit the entire life science industry in Sweden and is a member-driven, private, non-profit organization. The main objective is to contribute to improving the conditions for the life science industry for the benefit of industry growth and business development. Sweden’s life science industry accounts for 20% of Sweden's net exports.

About Bionordic, http://www.bionordic.com

Bionordic is a full service global event management company that designs, plans and produces engaging conferences and corporate events for the life science industry. The organization supports a broad range of global clients including public and private agencies, non-governmental organizations, regional and multinational corporations.

Based on cutting edge technology solutions, Bionordic offer event services including strategic planning, venue selection and design through to cloud and database and community management tools.