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The actions of cyclic AMP, its butyryl derivatives and Na butyrate on the proliferation of malignant trophoblast cells in vitro


Cyclic AMP, and its derivatives N6-monobutyryl cyclic AMP and dibutyryl cyclic AMP, have been found to inhibit the proliferation of trophoblast cells of the BeWo cell line in vitro. Sodium butyrate (1 mM), a possible degradation product of the butyrate derivatives, also inhibited cell proliferation, giving similar growth rates to equimolar dibutyryl cyclic AMP. The inhibition by butyrate was however, not sufficient to account for the action of 1 mM N6-monobutyryl cycli AMP, which, like cyclic AMP, completely inhibited cell proliferation. The potency, specificity and toxicity of the substances were compared. The results suggest different modes of action for cyclic AMP and dibutyryl cyclic AMP.

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Barker, H., Isles, T. The actions of cyclic AMP, its butyryl derivatives and Na butyrate on the proliferation of malignant trophoblast cells in vitro. Br J Cancer 35, 314–321 (1977).

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