Welcome to Indigenus, the latest member of the NPG blogosphere! It is the blog of the equally new portal Nature India (http://www.nature.com/nindia/), a one-stop site for information on Indian science.

In her inaugural post, Subhra Priyadarshini, editor of Nature India, asks Indigenus readers what content Nature India should provide (http://tinyurl.com/3ba74g). Among the replies, Bikash Mohanty writes that much published Indian research is repetition of the work done in “so called scientifically advanced countries”. He thinks Nature India should highlight original Indian research.

Arun Kumar Chokkappa suggests Nature India lists and tracks the funding opportunities that exist in the region, which “would be an eye opener for so many budding scientists who can't afford to knock on the doors of NIH and Wellcome Trust”. In addition, Chokkappa believes that Nature India could help advance careers by putting ambitious students in touch with established scientists.

Vinod Jyothikumar hopes that the Nature India portal will result in more international collaborators becoming interested in research in India.