For those concerned about the effects of conference air travel on the environment, Second Nature, NPG's archipelago in Second Life (, was the virtual venue for a series of talks coinciding with the United Nations climate-change conference held in Bali in December (see Joanna Scott's blog for details:

Tara LaForce from Imperial College London spoke about whether and how we might capture carbon dioxide from power plants, compress it, and store it long-term in various geological structures such as oil reservoirs and deep saline aquifers. And, in another lecture, Euan Nisbet of Royal Holloway University in Surrey, UK, talked about the necessity for accurate monitoring of the climate, greenhouse gases and 'top producers' to have any realistic hope of tackling global warming. Both of these talks, and their associated slides, are available through Scott's blog.

If you are interested in giving your own research talk in this global environment-friendly format, please contact Joanna via her blog, or find her in Second Life, where she is known as Joanna Wombat.