This Thing of Darkness

  • Harry Thompson
Review, £17.99 075530280X | ISBN: 0-755-30280-X

In This Thing of Darkness (Review, £17.99), Harry Thompson focuses on the relationship between Charles Darwin and Robert Fitzroy, captain of The Beagle, and the origins of Darwin's theory of evolution and the religious debate it sparked. This fictionalized biography was long-listed for the 2005 Man Booker Prize.

The Darwin Conspiracy

  • John Darnton
Knopf, $24.95 1400041376 | ISBN: 1-400-04137-6

John Darnton's The Darwin Conspiracy (Knopf, $24.95) is a novel with a darker secret, told through three intertwined narratives. Two modern-day scholars trace Darwin's research path and also uncover the diaries of Darwin's daughter Lizzie.