
An Internet-based gateway for women in science is to be officially launched at the World Conference on Science. The Gender, Science and Technology Gateway is a web-based clearing house of information, case studies and resources on gender and science and technology for sustainable development.

The gateway is a project of the Gender Advisory Board of the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development in collaboration with the Once and Future Action Network (OFAN).

The advisory board is hoping to improve the flow of information to decision-makers on gender, science and technology. Secretariats in Indonesia and Montevideo are creating the gateway to disseminate relevant knowledge to developing countries, and to others wanting to gain access to the website.

The site will be hosted by Women in Global Science and Technology, a group working to improve global networking among women scientists and technologists on critical issues for development.

A ‘virtual pavilion’ — which will highlight activities around the world in gender, science and technology — is also being arranged for the conference by OFAN. The pavilion will include computer terminals with web access.

The project's organizers hope the pavilion will highlight women's contributions in science to researchers, agencies and donors.

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