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  • Books Received
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A Text-book of Glass Technology


FOR several years the glass industry of Great Britain has suffered from the lack of an up-to-date and authoritative text-book upon the technology of glass, but the deficiency has now been made good by Messrs. F. W. Hodkin and A. Cousen. All interested in glass will welcome the recently published compilation of these two authors, and the industry owes them a debt of gratitude for such a masterly exposition of their subject, which covers the whole field of glass manufacture. Acting with admirable forethought, they have not stressed any one side of this manufacture above another, and throughout the work they have adhered to their determination as stated in the preface: to attempt no encyclopædic survey, but to allow the book to take the simpler form of a general introduction to the study of glass technology. In this they are to be commended, because the book becomes as valuable to the beginner as to the expert. The latter may indulge his desire for more detailed knowledge by reference to original papers and to books specified in a well-arranged bibliography and in copious footnotes, whilst the beginner will find each chapter easy to assimilate, there being no extraneous matter to confuse him.

A Text-book of Glass Technology.

By F. W. Hodkin A. Cousen. Pp. xxiii + 551. (London, Bombay and Sydney: Constable and Co., Ltd., 1925.) 42s. net.

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A Text-book of Glass Technology . Nature 116, 347–349 (1925).

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