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  • Books Received
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(1) Matter and Energy (2) Practical Exercises in Physiological Optics (3) The Energy System of Matter (4) The Cinematograph and Natural Science (5) Oscillations et Vibrations (6) Physik


(1) IT is always difficult for the reviewer of a book who naturally possesses a more or less intimate knowledge of the subject under review to write with confidence concerning a popular treatise. There is always the possibility that his previous knowledge enables him to appreciate many points which may not be so easily grasped by others less acquainted with the subject. And, after all, it is for this latter class that such books are primarily intended. But in the present case there is scarcely room for doubt that Prof. vSoddy has successfully accomplished the very difficult task of making physics of absorbing interest on popular lines. This has been done without any of that sacrifice of exactness of statement which so often mars works of this kind; thus the trained physicist and the novice may read the book with equal pleasure. It is quite surprising how many phenomena the author has been able to deal with in this fashion, and what up-to date work he has been able to introduce. There is no space available to detail the various contents more than to say that such subjects as the kinetic theory of matter (including reference to Perrin's beautiful experiments on s Brownian movements) and radioactivity, among others, are treated with admirable lucidity. A book of this kind deserves a longer review; it is to be hoped it will have a large circulation, for it forms a worthy addition to the excellent series ta which it belongs.

(1) Matter and Energy.

F. Soddy, F.R.S. Pp. 256. (London: Williams and Norgate; New York: Henry Holt and Co., n.d.) Price 1s. net. (Home University Library of Modern Knowledge.)

(2) Practical Exercises in Physiological Optics.

Dr. G. J. Burch, F.R.S. Pp. 164. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1912.) Price 4s. net.

(3) The Energy System of Matter.

A Deduction from Terrestrial Energy Phenomena. By James Weir. Pp. ix + 200. (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1912.) Price 6s. net.

(4) The Cinematograph and Natural Science.

The Achievements and Possibilities of Cinematography as an Aid to Scientific Research. By L. Donaldson. Pp. 88. (London: Ganes, Ltd., 85, Shaftesbury Avenue, W., 1912.) Price 2S. 6d. net.

(5) Oscillations et Vibrations.

Étude générale des Mouvements Vibratoires. By A. Boutaric. Pp. ix + 403. (Paris: Octave Doin et Fils, 1912.) Price 5 francs. (Encyclopédie Scientifique.)

(6) Physik.

Zum Gebrauch bei physikalischen Vorlesungen in höheren Lehranstalten sowie zum Selbstunterricht. By Prof. H. Böttger. Erster Band: Mechanik, Wärmelehre, Akustik. Pp. xiii + 983. (Das Buch der Natur, Dreiundzwanzigste Auflage. Dritter Teil, Zweite Abt.) (Braunschweig: F. Vieweg und Sohn, 1912.) Price 15 marks.

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(1) Matter and Energy (2) Practical Exercises in Physiological Optics (3) The Energy System of Matter (4) The Cinematograph and Natural Science (5) Oscillations et Vibrations (6) Physik. Nature 90, 187–188 (1912).

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