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THE Civil List Pensions granted during the year ended March 31 show more generous recognition of the claims of science than has usually been the case. The list includes the following pensions:—1904, August 8.—Mr. W. F. Denning, in consideration of his services to the science of astronomy, 150l. August 8.—Miss Elizabeth Parker, in recognition of the services rendered to science as an investigator by her late father, Mr. W. Kitchen Parker, F.R.S., 100l. August 8.—Lady Le Neve Foster, in consideration of the services rendered to mining science by her late husband, Sir Clement Le Neve Foster, F.R.S., and of the fact that his death was due to the effects of poisoning by carbonic oxide gas while carrying out his official duties, 100l. 1905, January 17.—Dr. J. G. Frazer, in recognition of his literary merits and of his anthropological studies, 200l. March 22.—The Rev. Lorimer Fison, in recognition of the originality and importance of his researches in Australian and Fijian ethnology, 150l. March 22.—Dr. W. Cramond, in consideration of his antiquarian researches, more particularly in connection with the ecclesiastical and burghal history of Scotland, 80l. March 22.—Miss L. C. Watts and Miss E. S. Watts, in recognition of the services of their late father, Mr. Henry Watts, to chemistry, 75l. It is satisfactory to record these tributes of national regard for lives devoted to the advancement of knowledge; and we congratulate the Government upon the great improvement which this year's list shows as regards the acknowledgment of the services rendered to the State by scientific workers.

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Notes . Nature 72, 203–207 (1905).

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