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Missouri Botanical Garden: Second Annual Rebort


THE Board of Trustees of the Missouri Botanical Garden have instructed the Director to edit for publication each year a volume setting forth the objects of the Garden and the School of Botany, and the results accomplished by each. The first volume of this series was issued in December 1890, and contained an account of the Garden and School. The present volume, therefore, really begins the series of annual reports, and together with the reports we have a revision of the North American species of Epilobium. In the earlier part of the book details are given of the appointment of six garden pupils to scholarships in accordance with a resolution adopted by the trustees at a meeting held in November 1889. Each scholarship conferred may be held by the recipient for a period not exceeding six years, subject to certain conditions. The holders of scholarships are repaid for their services to the Garden, and at the expiration of the six years are entitled to examination by the Garden Committee. On passing such examination to the satisfaction of the Committee and Director, they receive a certificate of proficiency in the theory and practice of gardening. The only scientific paper in the volume is, as we have just mentioned, a revision of the genus Epilobium, the American species occurring north of Mexico being those studied. This genus differs from all the other capsule-bearing Onagraceæ, except the Californian Zauschneria, in having its seeds provided with an ample coma at the apex. While it reaches great development in New Zealand, Epilobium is essentially a genus of temperate and cold climates, and the most widely distributed species are those of Arctic and Alpine regions. In Alaska a few such species occur, which are otherwise confined to the adjacent part of Asia. More widely distributed Arctic-Alpine immigrants from the Old World to the New are E. spicatum, E. latifolium, E. palustre, E. alpinum, &c. E. hirsutum, E. parviflorum, and E. adnatum, also occur as accidental waifs. The genus passes into South America along the backbone of the continent; few members of this family extend very far across the Mexican boundary in either direction. The most interesting biological features of the genus are those connected with the means of vegetative propagation, pollination, and dissemination. The contrivances by which species survive the winter, and are vegetatively propagated, in this respect attain an extreme degree of differentiation, one in particular having acquired aërial bulblets. The large-flowered species appear to be regularly proterandrous, the duration of the dichogamy being brief in most of them, and the smaller-flowered seem to be always synacmic and self-fertile, although with the probability of frequent intercrossing by aid of insects attracted by the nectar which is secreted within the calyx tube. The genus is of no striking economic value. The North American Epilobia have been mostly described by De Candolle, Torrey and Gray, Haussknecht and Barbey; the more notable works of more limited range being Hooker's “Flora Boreali-Americana,” and Brewer, Watson, and Gray's “Botany of California.” Prof. Trelease in his revision enumerates 38 species, which number includes the following novelties: E. holosericeum, E. delicatulum, and E. clavatum. The well-known sections Chamænerion and Lysimachion are still adhered to, the latter, of course, being by far the larger. In the analytical key the main divisions depend on whether the stigma is deeply 4-lobed or 4-cleft, or entire or only notched. Subdivisions are founded on whether the seeds are smooth, or papillately roughened. The name E. spicatum, Lam., is used instead of angustifolium, the typical angustifolium of Linnæus being, according to Prof. Haussknecht, what is commonly known as E. Dodonœi, Vill. We are glad to see that Prof. Trelease differs from Prof. Haussknecht in not adopting a new name for what is left of the original E. alpinum The E. alpinum of Linnæus included with this E. Hornemanni and E. anagallidifolium, but we think that the name may well stand for one of the segregates. The genus Epilobium has always proved a difficult subject; and Prof. Trelease is to be congratulated on his careful treatment, and successful arrangement, of the North American members. The 48 plates will be found of great help to students of these plants; they are not quite of uniform merit, but, taken as a whole, they give the essential details, stress being laid on the varied form of the stigma and seed. Additional illustrations are some well-reproduced photographs taken in the Garden, and a plan of the grounds (scale 1/720) in five sections.

Missouri Botanical Garden: Second Annual Rebort.

By William Trelease. Pp. 188; Plates 48, reproduced Photographs 5, and Plan of Garden. (St. Louis, Missouri: Published by the Board of Trustees, 1891.)

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B., E. Missouri Botanical Garden: Second Annual Rebort. Nature 44, 588–589 (1891).

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