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Inclusion of the Foot in the Abdominal Cavity of a Duckling


A DUCKLING, four days old, sent from Eastry in Kent, hatched on April 25, 1889, presented the above curious abnormality. The right lower extremity was normal in every respect; the left appeared on superficial examination to be absent. An incision made through the skin over the left flank at once disclosed the left limb, the joints being flexed to their utmost extent, and the thigh adducted, so that it lay in contact with the abdominal muscles, of the left side; at the tibio-tarsal joint the limb passed through the wall of the abdomen, a few millimetres above the symphysis pubis. A portion of the yolk-sac protruded at the aperture by which the foot penetrated the abdominal wall. Opening the abdomen showed the remainder of the yolk-sac, its connection with the ileum, and the left foot lying upon the surface of the intestines. This included foot was fully developed, having a complete web, and being covered with scales. An adhesion existed between the outer surface of the yolk-sac and the left leg in the region of its tibio-tarsal joint, and there were also adhesions of the sac to the skin of the abdomen, covering the lower part of the tibial muscles. This adhesion of the yolk-sac to the leg had apparently taken place after the full development of the limb; and the yolk-sac, in the course of its withdrawal into the cavity of the abdomen, had apparently drawn the foot in with it. The withdrawal of the yolk-sac is generally held to be brought about by the absorption of its contents; if the above explanation of the existing condition be correct, a considerable force must be exerted by this act of absorption if it is capable of dragging the foot, from its normal position, into the cavity of the abdomen.

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REID, E. Inclusion of the Foot in the Abdominal Cavity of a Duckling. Nature 40, 54–55 (1889).

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