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AN International Horticultural Show is to be held at Florence in May, from the nth to the 25th. The Société Royale Toscane d' Horticulture offers 100 medals of gold, 221 of silver, and 131 of bronze, and five grand prix d'honneur are offered respectively by the King of Italy, the Minister of Agriculture and Commerce, the province of Florence, the town of Florence, and the lady patronesses. Prince Demidoff and Prof. Parlatore have also placed gold medals for special classes, at the disposal of the committee. Coincidently with the Show the International Botanical Congress will be held at Florence under the presidency of Prof. Parlatore. The programme of subjects for discussion includes questions on the nature and functions of hairs on plants, on cell circulation, on the latex, on the automic movement of the leaves of plants, on the causes which determine the direction of the root in the germination of a seed, on the causes which influence the direction of the growth of branches, especially of weeping trees, on the analysis of the organs of reproduction between cryptogams and phanerogams, as well as many other subjects more widely known, and subjects of debate such as the origin of Bacteria, the determination of fossil plants by their leaves, the distinction between species, race, and variety, and the origin of insular and alpine floras. The President and Secretaries of the Société Royale Toscane d' Horticulture announce their readiness to communicate with any botanists who wish for further information with a view to attending the Congress. The official language of the Congress will be Italian, but papers may be communicated and discussions conducted in any language. Representatives to the Congress have been appointed from the various countries of Kurope, and from Egypt, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, &c. Among the names of those who are expected are announced the following English botanists:—Messrs. Hooker, Trimen, Ball, Hiern, Hogg, Maw, Murray, Allmann, and Binney. As a measure of precaution against the introduction of the Phylloxera, the importation of vines and of other fruit-trees into Italy has been rigorously prohibited since October 31 last.

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Notes . Nature 9, 427–428 (1874).

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