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THE men of the North do not seem disposed to let grass grow under their feet in respect to their proposed College of Physical Science, at Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Of the 35,000l. required, in addition to to the Durham University endowment, to carry out their plans, upwards of 23,600l. has been already subscribed. Three of the professorial chairs have now been filled, viz.:—Experimental Physics: A. S. Herschel, M.A. Chemistry: A. Freire-Marreco, M.A. Geology: David Page, LL.D., F.R.S.E. No decision has yet been made public in respect to the professorship of Mathematics. This appointment, together with the chair of Experimental Physics, is in the hands of the Dean and Chapter of Durham. These selections will give general satisfaction, and are sufficient assurance of the desire of the Committee to obtain the services of the men within reach, without reference to local influence or predilections. Indeed it seems to us just possible that the claims of one eminent local geologist may have suffered somewhat through the fear of a charge of partiality. Few family names stand higher in the scientific world than that of Herschel, and its present representative is well known as a teacher of experimental philosophy. M. Freire-Marreco has long served the University of Durham as its reader in chemistry and the Newcastle College of Medicine as its lecturer. Apart from his acquirements as a chemist and his ability as a teacher, there is perhaps no one who is so thoroughly versed in the chemical technology of the industries of the North of England. Dr. Page's elementary works on geology are widely appreciated, and if one may judge of his capacity as a lecturer by his power of interesting a general audience, he is eminently fitted to instruct the rising generation of mining engineers. We learn that the opening of the College is fixed for October 7, and shall watch with pleasure the progress of the undertaking, bidding it heartily “God speed.”

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Notes . Nature 4, 189–191 (1871).

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