The EJHG publishes short announcements (free of charge for ESHG members) regarding meetings in Europe, positions available and other announcements of interest to the Human Genetics community in Europe

Mauro Baschirotto Award 1996 and Platform Presentations

figure Gra1

Prof. Malcolm Ferguson-Smith, Recipient of the Mauro Baschirotto Award 1996.

During the recent ESHG Meeting in London, April 11–13, 1996, the Mauro Baschirotto Award was presented to Prof. Malcolm Ferguson-Smith, Department of Pathology, University of Cambridge, UK. Following this, the laureate delivered a lecture titled ‘The Clinician and the Chromosome’. Subsequently, Prof. Andrea Ballabio, TI-GEM, Milan, Italy, presented a keynote lecture, titled ‘From Pheno-types to Disease Genes and beyond’.

The two ESHG Awards for the best platform presentations by young scientists were won by Dr. Dominique Moloney, Institute of Molecular Medicine, Oxford, UK, on behalf of S. Slaney, M. Oldridge, P. Sahlin, G. Stenman and A. Wilkie, with a presentation titled ‘Paternal Origin of New Mutations in Apert Syndrome’ and by Dr. Joris Heus, Department of Human Genetics, Leiden University, The Netherlands, on behalf of A. Wiersma, E. de Meijer, GJ. van Ommen and J. den Dunnen, with a presentation titled ‘Transfer of the Entire DMD Gene to Mammalian Cells with the Use of a Putative Mammalian Artificial Chromosome’.

International Standing Committee on Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature

New members of the International Standing Committee on Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature (ISCN) will be elected at an open meeting of cytogeneticists on Wednesday, August 21, 1996, during the 9th International Congress of Human Genetics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (see program for venue). The Committee is elected for five years and consists of five members from Europe, Canada, and the USA, and two from other geographic areas. Nominations of candidates interested in serving on the Committee should be submitted before July 1, 1996. Only candidates duly nominated before July 1, 1996, will be put on the ballot. Those who are interested in voting but are unable to attend the International Congress in Rio de Janeiro can request ballot papers before July 15, 1996.

Felix Mitelman

Chairman, International Standing Committee on Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature

Department of Clinical Genetics, University Hospital

S-221 85 Lund (Sweden)

Fax:+46 46 131061


First Announcement 1997 — Advances in Medical Genetics

The 4-day intensive course is aimed primarily at trainee clinical geneticists and other interested clinicians in paediatrics and obstetrics, especially those involved with genetics services. It should also be relevant to laboratory scientists in the fields of cytogenetics and clinical molecular genetics who wish to broaden their knowledge of genetic disorders. Based in the Institute of Medical Genetics, the seminar will cover both new research and areas relevant to medical genetics services. In addition to lectures there will be demonstrations of relevant computer databases and panel discussions on controversial areas. Topics for discussion will include:

Computerised genetic information — how to find and use it

  • Genetic disorders of connective tissue and skin

  • Neurogenetic and neuromuscular disorders

  • Advances in psychiatric genetics

  • Familial tumours

  • Inherited renal disease

  • Patterns of mutation, genetic and environmental

  • Issues in genetic testing

Date and location:

4–7 March 1997

Institute of Medical Genetics

University of Wales

College of Medicine

Heath Park

Cardiff CF4 4XN (UK)

For more information write to:

Professor Peter Harper

Institute of Medical Genetics

University of Wales

College of Medicine

Heath Park

Cardiff CF4 4XN (UK)

or contact:

Mr Ian Doyle

Departmental Secretary

Institute of Medical Genetics

University of Medical Genetics

Heath Park

Cardiff CF4 4XN (UK)

Phone: (01222)744020

Fax: (01222) 747603

or E-mail: