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    The Collection's focus is on gathering the latest research into a wide variety of transcriptomic technologies, and work which utilises these powerful techniques to further our understanding of biological processes.

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    A collection highlighting the latest research relating to pandemic diseases, including diagnostic tools and therapeutic strategies.

    Image: MR.Cole_Photographer/Getty
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    This collection highlights progress towards using engineered nanoparticles to treat and diagnose disease.

    Image: Science Photo Library - STEVE GSCHMEISSNER
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    Optogenetics is a method that uses light to modulate molecular events in a targeted manner in living cells or organisms. It relies on the use of genetically-encoded proteins that change conformation in the presence of light to alter cell behaviour. This collection presents publications on some of the latest optogenetic tools and methodologies, along with their application to neural circuit research.

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are cell-derived membranous structures which act as intercellular communicators in both physiological and pathological situations, hence offering extraordinary opportunities for clinical applications. This Collection is intended to deliver an overview of current advances in EV research and their application in therapeutics and diagnostics, as well as on methodological tools for EV study.

    Image: Jose A. Bernat Bacete/Getty
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    A collection bringing together research on the Influenza virus and its effect across the globe.

    Image: getty images/sitox
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    This collection assembles the latest research monitoring deforestation and its impacts, which is critical for effective conservation and management.

    Image: Tahreer Photography/Getty
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    A collection of research highlighting the advances in animal tracking techniques and findings.

    Image: Reinhard Dirscherl/Getty
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    Extremophiles thrive at the boundaries of life. This collection illustrates the diversity and application of these organisms.

    Image: F.Luise/Getty
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    This collection highlights our most downloaded* research papers published in 2019. Featuring authors from around the world, these papers highlight valuable research from an international community.

    Image: oxygen/Getty
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    This collection highlights our most downloaded cancer papers published in 2019. Featuring authors from around the world, these papers feature valuable research from an international community.

    Image: PansLaos/Getty