Synthetic biology articles within Nature


  • Letter |

    Although new amino acids with desirable properties can be devised, only a few have been successfully introduced into proteins by the cellular machinery. Even then, only one type of unnatural amino acid can be added to a given protein. Here, a new system has been designed that could allow the incorporation of up to 200 novel amino acids. The system involves an orthogonal ribosome that uses quadruplet — rather than triplet — codons, as well as orthogonal tRNA synthetase–tRNA pairs.

    • Heinz Neumann
    • , Kaihang Wang
    •  & Jason W. Chin
  • Career Brief |

    Bioengineering lab is hiring 29 scientists and engineers to develop synthetic biology 'parts'.

  • Article |

    A defining focus of synthetic biology is the engineering of genetic circuits with predictive functionality in living cells. Here, a decade after the first synthesized genetic toggle switch and oscillator, an engineered gene network with global intercellular coupling is designed that is capable of generating synchronized oscillations in a growing population of cells.

    • Tal Danino
    • , Octavio Mondragón-Palomino
    •  & Jeff Hasty
  • Editorial |

    Contributions to and from basic science are the part of synthetic biology that most deserves celebration.

  • News & Views |

    By synchronizing clocks, humans make more efficient use of their time and orchestrate their activities in different places. Bacteria have now been engineered that similarly coordinate their molecular timepieces.

    • Martin Fussenegger
  • News Feature |

    Can engineering approaches tame the complexity of living systems? Roberta Kwok explores five challenges for the field and how they might be resolved.

    • Roberta Kwok