Research data articles within Nature Physics


  • Editorial |

    As sharing of research data becomes more important, we are facilitating this by integrating the Figshare repository into our submission system.

  • Correspondence |

    • Matthew Strassler
    •  & Jesse Thaler
  • Correspondence |

    • Benjamin Bahr
    • , William J. Cunningham
    •  & Sebastian Steinhaus
  • Editorial |

    As a result of feedback from the research community, we are strengthening our encouragement for authors to share a certain amount of data with their papers.

  • Editorial |

    After much debate about what should be done about sharing of scientific data and source code, practical solutions are still hard to come by. How should the physics community move forward?

  • Editorial |

    The rise of big data represents an opportunity for physicists. To take full advantage, however, they need a subtle but important shift in mindset.

  • Commentary |

    Physicists are accustomed to dealing with large datasets, yet they are fortunate in that the quality of their experimental data is very good. The onset of big data has led to an explosion of datasets with a far more complex structure — a development that requires new tools and a different mindset.

    • Jeff Byers
  • Commentary |

    INSPIRE, the central information resource of the high-energy physics community, pioneered the open dissemination of scientific literature. It has been evolving to keep up with the new technologies and it is not slowing down.

    • Bernard L. Hecker
  • Editorial |

    Nature Physics now requires its published papers to include information on whether and how their underlying data are accessible to others.